Automated workflow for your Dao

We are thrilled to introduce you to SyncVote, your trusted partner in achieving precision, speed, and autonomy in your operations. At the heart of SyncVote’s capabilities is its remarkable ability to execute tasks precisely as you’ve defined them, all without the need for constant oversight from a centralized team. Today, let’s dive deeper into these powerful features.

  1. Precision Execution:

SyncVote empowers you to set up workflows that execute tasks with the precision of a seasoned professional. You define the conditions, triggers, and actions, and SyncVote follows your instructions faithfully. This means that critical processes, such as order processing, data entry, and report generation, are carried out exactly as you’ve designed them, without the risk of human error.

One of truly powerful use case is Automated Fund Transfers:

Say goodbye to the hassle of manual fund transfers and payments. With SyncVote, you can create automated workflows that initiate fund transfers based on your predefined conditions. Whether it’s vendor payments, employee salaries, or regular bill payments, SyncVote ensures that transactions occur smoothly and on time.

  1. Effortless Workflow Design:

Creating complex automation sequences is a breeze with SyncVote’s user-friendly interface. No coding skills are required. Simply drag and drop elements, set conditions, and build workflows that match your specific requirements. SyncVote simplifies the entire process, empowering you to take control of your operations.

  1. Real-time Monitoring and Oversight:

While SyncVote operates autonomously, you maintain full visibility and control. Real-time monitoring and oversight features allow you to track the progress of automated tasks, review logs, and intervene when necessary. This combination of autonomy and control ensures that your operations run smoothly and effectively.

Thank you for considering SyncVote as your automation partner. We look forward to helping you achieve operational excellence and success.

Warm regards,


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Would be great if you can provide more information about SyncVote.

Would be interested to know

  • Other projects you are working with
  • How are other projects using SyncVote
  • Costs associated with using SyncVote
  • With which other tools can SyncVote be paired with? SAFE, Snapshot, other?

Also, please share other important links about your product that help understand better the value proposition.

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Thank MrJaf for your interest

Relating to your question, let me give you some further infor

  • Other projects you are working with: we havent launch yet, so we havent had official users, however we are talking with many DAOs and when we are ready, we believe they will become our users
  • How are other projects using SyncVote: below are several sample of governance process by some Dao:
  • Costs associated with using SyncVote: Syncvote is free at the moment
  • With which other tools can SyncVote be paired with? SAFE, Snapshot, other?: Syncvote can pair with Snapshot soon
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Here is our test link, please feel free to have a look
Our guideline

thanks for the reply @como. SyncVote looks very cool.
At a first glance though I cannot really see how the automation part takes place. It looks very informational to show a DAO how processes work, however without having an integration with SAFE or Snapshot the value proposition is unclear to me.

We have bi-weekly public Governance Calls in our Discord. This is a great place for you to tell us more about the value proposition for Push.

Thanks Jaf for your reply.
Syncvote will have intergration with Snapshot soon in the future.
Once it has Snapshot/SAFE intergration, do you think Push can give Syncvote a try?

Its always a possibility!
Stay close to our community, and again - I invite you to join our Governance calls or even our Demo Thursdays in case you’d like to showcase your project to the Push Community

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I send you a dm on discord, can you pls check

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Hey Push Friends,

Following our previous update, Syncvote has unveiled additional examples of different DAOs, including:

Gitcoin Governance Process

Uniswap Governance Process

Managing a DAO involves more than just governance; it encompasses a multitude of daily operations governed by structured processes. Ensuring these processes run smoothly necessitates manual oversight, which can be both expensive and prone to issues.

I propose that we engage in a discussion to investigate the challenges Syncvote could address in this context. I would greatly appreciate your input on potential next steps to advance this proposal. Your personal insights would be invaluable.

Hi @como
Why don;t you join us next week on wednesday for our official Governance call.
Lets keep this conversation open for Push community to participate.

please inform if you can join us so we allocate time in the agenda for you.

Thanks Jaf, just send me a dm on discord, that’s better

Hey @como as Jan said above,

I’m really curious to see how the features you mentioned in your post work.