[ Draft Proposal ] Reimburse channel-creation gas fees in $PUSH on developer request


The goal of EPNS is to have developers integrate with the EPNS system. One obstruction for underfunded or hobbyist developers is the gas fees op opening a notification channel.

Proposal Description

Allow developers to request a $PUSH airdrop commensurate with the value of the gas fees they paid to create a channel. I suggest doing this on request so that only those that care about the gas cost get reimbursed.

A potential flow:

  1. Dev creates a channel
  2. Dev shares etherscan links to their channel creation in a google form
  3. EPNS team does a monthly accounting to send devs $PUSH relative to the market price

Potential abuse-prevention metrics:

  1. Time-limit reimbursement applications (e.g. reimbursements must be done within 24h of the channel creation)
  2. Only reimburse 90% of the gas as $PUSH
  3. Only reimburse to the address that created the channel

Benefits of PIP-06

The main goal of EPNS is to integrate with protocols and applications. To that end, removing any barrier to that goal is desirable.

Additionally, since reimbursements are in $PUSH the developers would immediately have skin in the game regarding EPNS governance.


After our experience in DevConnect Hackathon, this is a very great observation and proposal!

I’d add to the abuse-prevention mechanics:

  • A corresponding channel must exist in DEV/Staging before submitting the form to the team
  • Share a quick description about the channel and its purpose on Discord. This allows the community to discover new channels, and further validates the intention of developers to bring their channels Live.
  • I’d also reduce the reimbursement to 80%

I’m all in favor for this one!

A corresponding channel must exist in DEV/Staging before submitting the form to the team

I would be against that one. Devs who already know the system might want to deploy straight on mainnet.

Share a quick description about the channel and its purpose on Discord. This allows the community to discover new channels, and further validates the intention of developers to bring their channels Live.

Cool idea! You might even add a “tweet your project and tag EPNS” type thing to increase visibility!

I’d also reduce the reimbursement to 80%

Sounds reasonable. Basically I am in favor of removing all obstacles to devs :slight_smile:

1 Like

Good idea, I support this proposal!

Great proposal. I am definitely in support of it

Hey @mentor
The PIP has received the minimum amount of likes and will be moved to the next stage in a few days.
It would be great if you could make the necessary edits before the PIP is moved to the discussion phase.

The format to edit the proposal in the original post


  1. Edit #1
  2. Edit #2
  3. Edit #…

@aswin considering this proposal already met the criteria to go to the next phase and the modifications required are minimal and already accepted by the creator of the proposal → we can move forward with this one.
Just please make sure we close this thread by putting the Final version of the proposal, with a link to the snapshot proposal.

Update 20/05/2022:

  1. Claiming the reimbursement requires posting the project name, description and live URL to the DIscord
  2. Reimbursement set at 80% instead of 90%

@Jaf I would leave the staging requirement out of it since not all devs require it.

Thank you @mentor for your reply.
This proposal is now moved to the Discussion Phase here as PIP-06.