PGP Proposal: Arculus Wallet Integration - Support for PUSH DApp within the Arculus Cold Storage Wallet App

  1. Project Name
    Arculus Cold Storage Wallet Push Integration

  2. Email

  3. About You Intro and background of those involved. Please link twitter accounts and choose preferred contact method below.
    I am Jonah Johnson, program manager for Arculus. I am performing grant outreach and partnership communication to strengthen the web3 community by means of mutually beneficial partnerships.

  1. Project TL:DR Quick pitch summarizing the proposal in 2-3 sentences.
    Our mission at Arculus is to provide unmatched security and usability within a hardware wallet. Expanding our hardware wallet’s functionality to support $PUSH & the Push DApp is part of our vision for the future of digital asset and digital identity security.

  2. Proposal Category

** Marketing**
** Other**

  1. Project Overview Describe the project in detail. What is the work that needs done and what’s potentially already finished? What’s the timeline for completion on the different tasks? How will the work be delegated among the team? What costs are involved?

    Arculus is a Cold Storage Wallet solution that utilizes three factor authentication; something you have (The Arculus Key Card, which stores your keys offline and speaks to the app via NFC) something you are (Your biometrics which connect you with the iOS or Play Store app) and something you know (Your pin). We have over 40,000 wallets in circulation. We are an internal startup owned by CompoSecure, which for over 20 years has been trusted by the largest fintech and banking enterprises in the world to produce their premium metal cards.

We envision utilizing our engineering recourses to support $PUSH in wallet, as well as integrating the DApp into our app to support on chain messaging via embedded browser within our app.

  1. Value Proposition to Push Protocol What are the benefits to the Push Protocol community for investing in this proposal?

    • Support for $PUSH in our suite of supported Coins and Tokens, pushed to 40,000 and growing wallets.
    • Support for the Push DApp inside of our app, we envision as a separate tab along the bottom of the home screen.
      -Announcements across our communication channels for both support of $PUSH and the Push DApp.
  2. Funding Requested Figure should be in $PUSH tokens

Total funding requested is 62,000 PUSH.

  1. Milestones These need to be specific, quantifiable, and a timeline set for the completion of each step. Funding will be tied to the agreed-upon steps, the timeline set here, and the verification of the milestone goals.

  2. Utilize our engineering recourses to integrate $PUSH support into our wallet ecosystem.
    (2 weeks)

  3. Testing Phase. Test $PUSH send/recieve/swap inside of testflight/play store beta.
    (2 weeks)

  4. Create Figma Mockup Designs of in-app functionality of Push protocol.
    (2 weeks)

  5. Approval of designs by both Arculus and Push Governance.
    (Dependent on changes requested)

  6. Utilize our engineering recourses integrate the push DApp functionality into our wallet ecosystem.
    (6 weeks)

  7. Testing Phase.
    (2 weeks)

  8. Live!
    (1 week - dependent on app store/play store approval time)

Total timeline for integration of both pillars (DApp and $PUSH token) is at least 3 months from start.

  1. Wallet Address Payments will be made in $PUSH token on mainnet.

  2. Relevant Links & Attachments If applicable, please share applicable links to your project (e.g., website, Twitter, GitHub)

  3. Referral Did someone from Push Protocol, or any of our friends refer you here?

Thank you!

Hi @Arculus
Thank you very much for your proposal.

Our Grants Process changed and we are no longer starting on our Forum, it now starts by filling a form that you can find here

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