Push DAO Weekly Priorities Thread

Hey Push Fam!
We will be using this thread to communicate the weekly priorities the DAO will be working on moving forward. We plan to keep these priorities as transparent as possible, so make sure you keep us accountable.

If you would like to get more involved in DAO operations, feel free to join our Weekly DAO Sync here.
See you all soon :bell: :purple_heart:

Week of April 15th 2024

  1. We will be generating improvements to the current Push Grants process and Push Improvement Proposals. The deliverables will be public-facing documents that will explain each process. These will be shared by the end of the month, with initial drafts completed by April 18th.

  2. Contributors will generate a list of trends and topics they believe Push DAO can and should participate in via blog and social content this year. This is will be the first version in the sense that we will regularly update this list. This is important because contributors will write content for the DAO moving forward.

  3. Contributors will elect someone from the DAO to represent all existing ambassador hubs. For now, process-wise, these leads then report back to the DAO Lead, and we align on all initiatives and budgeting related to Ambassador hubs.

  4. Contributors will work to ensure that the Grants Council vote will happen this week, the Push DAO lead will be liaising with the Push Foundation to ensure the vote is scheduled on Snapshot.

  5. Contributors will create and share tracking sheets for the different SubDAOs, these will be shared with the DAO Lead where they will record the movement and usage of all funds from April 2024 - April 2025. Those records will always be kept and always be added to 3, 6, and 12-month reports to the community and the Push Foundation.


:wolf: thank you for this information!


Transparency is key, and we’re committed to keeping the community informed every step of the way. Thank you for this great info!!