PUSH Weekly Governance Call Recap Thread

Hey Push Fam!

I am starting this thread to provide a central location to update the community and provide a recap on what was discussed in our recurring weekly governance calls.

The goal is for the community to be able to review and catch up to discussions in past governance calls much more easily, even if they cannot attend or join the DAO later. Hoping to add recordings of the
sessions in the future.

So from here on out you can check here to find all DAO governance call recaps!

Sixty :slight_smile:

Meeting Details:
PUSH Community Governance Call
Wednesday, 15:00 - 16:00 UTC / 10:00 - 11:00 ET
Push Stage - Push Discord Server


Governance Call - 7th December 2023

To ensure the community stays updated on the progress of the Grants Program v3 design phase, here’s a summary of recent developments:

  • We hosted Alex (CEO) from Charmverse, to show & tell how Optimism utilizes Charmverse for their grants program.

  • During discussions, we explored how Charmverse addresses most, if not all, of our current requirements and could be seamlessly integrated with Gitcoin Stack and/or Hedgey.

  • It was agreed to exclude tooling details from the proposal, allowing the Grants Council to decide and communicate tooling choices later. A provision in the operational budget will be made for potential expenses related to this matter.

@SixtyKeys will soon share a preliminary proposal with the community for feedback before entering the discussion phase.

The goal is to potentially launch the program by January 2024.

Original Post by @MrJaf


Governance Call - 13th December 2023

This week we continued discussions on the Push Grants v3 Program, as well the discussion around a framework for delegates started by @CryptoReuMD.

We also had a special guest @Kene_StableLab from StableLab, a decentralized governance service provider, that works with other protocols in the space such as Aave and 1inch.

  • The Push Grants v3 working group provided updates on the PGPv3 proposal, which is currently awaiting feedback and review from a few domain experts in the governance space (including the StableLab team).

  • During discussions the StableLab representative provided confluence with the choice to go with a Grants Council as seen in other protocols in the space. He further advised to have clear term limits for the Council (6 months - 1 year) with a re-election after the end of the term. The council should also provide quarterly reports on the progress of the program, as monthly reports might be too frequent.

  • It was also agreed that it is a good idea to start the program with only small grants (up to $3000) with larger grants to be disbursed in the future once the council has demonstrated greater competence.

  • To wrap up, our special guest gave us a breakdown of some of the best practices when it comes to delegation in the web3 space. Incentives for delegates and delegators were a big point in the discussion, considering a system that doesn’t incentivize people to delegate, and experts to give their time to vote will have a hard time gaining any traction.


Governance Call - 3rd January 2024

Happy New Year Push Fam! :fireworks: :rocket:

This was our first governance call of the year, after a two-week break, it was great to see such a great turnout. Community members old and new joined us as we continue to share developments with Push DAO.

  • The call started with an excellent recap of the various DAO programs conducted during the previous year (2023) by @MrJaf. Highlights include the excellent work done by the Push Ambassadors, including the launch of a new chapter (Push Ambassadors Africa). The return of Rockstars of PUSH was also teased, so stay tuned for those looking to get involved with Push DAO.

  • A newly launched initiative, the Business Development SubDAO was also expanded upon during the call by Jaf. The BD SubDAO will allow contributors to actively seek and engage with other projects for potential collaborations, with collaborations assessed on whether they meet the criteria for Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 based on Twitter followers, Discord activity, and growth. The community showed great interest in participating in this initiative, including grantees and ambassadors interested in amplifying the proposal to make it a success. As always feel free to provide feedback and comments on the proposal.

  • The Push Grants Program v3 proposal which is now live on the forum was also expanded upon. Special thanks were given to @MrJaf for kickstarting the initiative and @Kene_StableLab (and the Stable Lab team) for an excellent review of the proposal. The proposal will be open for feedback for one week before it proceeds to governance. The PGPv3 working group will organize a Twitter space on the Push DAO Twitter page to further promote the proposal. And just a reminder to the community that the third iteration of the Push Grants Program will be open for community involvement, meaning anyone who meets the criteria will be eligible to apply for a seat on the new Grants Council.

  • Finally a special shout-out to the Push Español chapter of the Push Ambassadors, for all the excellent work done during 2023. An excellent 2023 Year in Review by @Carlaupgrade will hopefully serve as a great motivation to the rest of the community to continue growing in 2024 and push the boundaries of decentralized communications! :bell: :purple_heart:

See you next week Push Fam!


Thanks for the mention @SixtyKeys. In 2024 we will continue working towards greater brand awareness and more implementations. Keep Pushing!

1 Like

This information of 2023 Year in Review of PushEnEspañol (Latam SubDAO) was awesome.


Governance Call - 12th January 2024

GM Push Fam! :bell:
Back again for our weekly recap, this week the governance call was mostly focused on developments with Push Grants Program v3 and and the co-creation of the Business Development SubDAO.

  • @SixtyKeys provided a high-level overview of the Push Grants Program v3, including that this will be the first iteration of a Push Grants program that is run by the community. For anyone interested in being part of the future Grants Council, there will be two positions up for grabs, a Grants Program Lead, and a Grants Program Evaluator. Any community member can participate in an open nomination process for the Grants Council. And there will be a single election on the Push Snapshot Space for both positions once the proposal passes. The election will be conducted using weighted choice voting, allowing voters to select multiple candidates, and split their voting power across them.

@MrJaf followed up by highlighting some important aspects of Push Grants Programs:

  • Starting off with how grantees come to Push through both IRL and virtual hackathons, and grantees are usually teams building their first project and teams that are more experienced.
  • Every Grant has to show a clear Return on Investment for Push protocol, which is important to note for any future Grants Council members. The goal is to onboard more users to use our app, so grantees need to show how they will achieve this.
  • Push Grants are milestone based and they are usually distributed in two phases, an installment upfront and after the completion of agreed-upon milestones. Milestones make it easier to track progress and allow Push to assess the work being done by grantees.
  • Grantees also have access to support from the Push team when needed, and they are welcome to present their projects to the community during the weekly Demo Thursdays call.

The next topic discussed was the Business Development SubDAO:

  • Just a reminder to everyone reading, the Business Development SubDAO is still in the co-creation phase, and input from all community members is taken into consideration.

  • The SubDAO aims to reward collaboration efforts championed by Push community members using a tier-based system, with higher tiers (more valuable to Push) receiving a higher reward (exact numbers are still in discussion).
    Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 22.08.48

  • Push Ambassadors will get a reward multiplier for their collaboration efforts, which we hope will incentivize them to be very active in the program. Grantees are also welcome to contribute to the proposed SubDAO as we expect their network will be invaluable in BD efforts.

  • @Kene_StableLab dropped some alpha on how to best approach a collaboration for all those who will participate in the program. The strategy involves understanding how a given DAO or protocol wishes to interact with its user base, and understanding how to engage different communities (Discord, Forums, etc.). Once you have a good understanding of how a protocol wishes to interact with its users, you can speak with the people who are directly involved with the engagement of users. And create a strategy that integrates with the strategy the protocol already has for interacting with their users. And just like that, you’ve initiated a collaboration for the BD SubDAO. :rocket:

As always, thank you to everyone who joins our weekly governance call. Every Wednesday @ 3PM UTC, on the Push Discord (Push Stage channel). Please join us for all the latest developments of Push DAO, and new opportunities for contribution. :bell: :purple_heart:


Governance Call - 17th January 2024

Apologies for the late recap Push Fam, I didn’t realize I had not updated the forum last week. I will keep this one brief.

Last week we had Sarthak (@skywalker) from the Push Business Development team join us, providing valuable insights into how Push conducts its business development activities. Sarthak gave us a run-through on what the Push BD team does on a daily basis, which I will summarize below:

  1. The BD Process begins with a step called Scouting. This involves going on Twitter, different forums, and engaging in various discussions to find projects that would benefit from Push notifications. Sarthak personally has a preference for DeFi Dapps and Perpetual Trading Dapps, as notifications are useful in informing users of events such as Liquidations.

  2. Closing is the next step, which involves actually reaching out to prospective partners, this can be through a personal connection, social media, etc. Once they make contact, they proceed with explaining Push Protocol and how it works, as well as how they can integrate Push with their protocol. The goal in this stage is to get closure that the prospective partner are willing to integrate with Push, and if not figure out why they are not able to integrate.

  3. The third step is integration and marketing, which usually involves an official announcement that the collaboration is done. Followed by a deep-dive marketing campaign on Twitter, the website, YouTube etc.

  4. The final step is the actual launch, at this point the BD team has minimal involvement, and are mostly present to ensure there are no blockers, or anything that might go wrong.

In relation to the Business Development DAO, it was noted that since the DAO has no dedicated developers as of yet, and in order to avoid overwhelming the BD team, more technical questions could be forwarded directly to the Push Tech team. And perhaps a dedicated channel specifically to coordinate efforts between the BD team and the BD SubDAO should be set up, ensuring a unified source of information accessible to all parties involved.

Also of note:

  • Certain strategically significant collaborations may need to remain undisclosed until the official announcement.
  • Push currently has over 600 partners, about 400 of these coming from different Push hackathons. So it is always good to check with the BD team before reaching out to prospective partners, although this process should be eased with the creation of the coordination channel mentioned above.
  • And although closing is where the BD process usually ends, they continue to support partners by assisting with easing the process of integration. This can be done through sharing docs or connecting with the Push Integration team.

Governance Call - 24th January 2024

GM Push Fam :bell: :purple_heart:
This week we had our governance last call for January 2024, time flies doesn’t it :smiley:, months can feel like weeks when you are building and working on cool stuff :rocket:.

Before I continue, I would like to extend my gratitude to @MrJaf and the push team for awarding me with the latest Rockstars of PUSH NFT (looks amazing right?) along with 900 $PUSH tokens that come with it, for recent contributions to the Push DAO. We hope the rest of the community is inspired to continue to contribute in whatever capacity they can, we are planning to open up many more opportunities to the community and we need your help to make Push DAO a success.

The call this week had a bit of a late start due to some technical issues which were eventually resolved, however the majority of the call was spent discussing the recent discussion around the Push DAO Development and Growth SubDAO.

  • @Kene_StableLab joined us on stage to elaborate and provide context on the DDG SubDAO. This SubDAO once created will serve the primary purpose of defining and driving the strategic framework of the DAO. A Strategic Framework, for those who might be wondering, is a structured and comprehensive approach that organizations use to guide their decision-making and actions to achieve their long-term goals and objectives. It serves as a blueprint for how an organization plans to allocate its resources, respond to challenges, and capitalize on opportunities to achieve success. The DDG SubDAO will therefore help the DAO to define a common goal, and ensure all the different moving parts of the DAO are aligned.

  • Jaf also reminded us about the conversation started by @CryptoReuMD around creating a framework for delegates. While we have been discussing this for some time, no concrete efforts or initiatives around this have been initiated, so it is a great opportunity for any community members who might be interested to take the wheel on this. It was also mentioned that the DDG SubDAO also plans on tackling the creation of a recognized delegate framework, as well as creating an easy and accessible way for future contributors to get rewarded for working on initiatives that fit within the strategic framework of the DAO.

  • A couple of questions were also fielded during our Q&A by @Rene, including how delegates will be chosen for future delegate programs and how rewards will be handled for members of the DDG SubDAO. @Kene_StableLab mentioned that being a delegate is not something that is arbitrarily chosen but being a delegate requires a certain level of trust and contribution in order to appeal to potential delegators. It is not dissimilar to how politicians lobby for votes during elections by presenting their policies and convincing voters that they will advocate for their concerns.
    As for how the members of the DDG SubDAO will be rewarded, this has not been set in stone yet, however we anticipate that there will be full-time contributors who might be rewarded regularly, and countributors who are rewarded for working on or owning certain tasks in the SubDAO.

Once again, thank you for joining us on our weekly governance call. Every Wednesday @ 3PM UTC, on the Push Discord (Push Stage channel). Please join us for all the latest developments of Push DAO, and new opportunities for contribution. :bell: :purple_heart:

Sneak peek: Next week we will have a special guest, Ruca.eth from karpatkey, who will talk us through how they help different DAOs with resource allocation and treasury management.


Governance Call - 14th February 2024

Happy Valentine’s Push Fam! :purple_heart:

This week we held our first governance call since @MrJaf left Push. His absence was part of the reasons why our weekly governance calls were temporarily suspended for the past two weeks. @MrJaf was very instrumental to the operations of Push DAO and he will greatly be missed by the community. It is now time for the rest of us to pick up from where he left off.

  • We resumed our discussions on the Business Development SubDAO. @SixtyKeys gave us a rundown of the BD subDAO initiative which seeks to reward efforts by Push community members to drive collaborations between Push Protocol and other Projects. During the call, we conducted a live exercise that allowed community members to provide input/suggestions on aspects of the program design. First off, the community was asked for their thoughts on what compensation was appropriate for BD efforts for different tiers of Projects:
Project Tier Community Response
Tier 1 (>500k followers) $200-$2000
Tier 2 (>100k followers) $850-$1500
Tier 3 (>50k followers) $500-$1500
Tier 4 (>10k followers) $100-$1000
  • Secondly, community members were asked whether compensation should be split up depending on different phases of the BD process. Most community members thought that compensation should be split depending on phases. The different BD phases were broken down into five as follows:
Phase What does it entail?
Research Phase Identifying the project you’re seeking to collaborate with
Engagement Phase Communicating with the Project team and proposing the collaboration with Push
Pre-Implementation Phase Getting a commitment from the team and announcing the collaboration
Implementation Phase Getting the Project to integrate Push products (notifications, chat or spaces)
Post-Implementation Phase Coordinating with Push Marketing Team, Ambassador Programs (LATAM, India, Africa) to create a campaign to launch the implementation

However, most community members suggested that only the last three phases should be compensated.

  • @SixtyKeys mentioned that the goal is to get out a final proposal for the BD subDAO by the end of February or early March. A BD subDAO working group will be created for people who want to get involved. The floor is open to any community member who is interested in steering the wheels of the BD subDAO, including being responsible for drafting the final proposal and taking ownership of the entire initiative. Simply reach out to @SixtyKeys and he will put you in touch.

The next topic was the Push Grants Program (PGP) v3:

  • @SixtyKeys provided an update on where we are with PGPv3. The proposal for PGPv3 went through a vote and was successfully passed. The next step is electing a Grants Council for the program. Nominations for the Grants Council were opened on 5th February 2024, and closed on Monday, 12th February 2024. @ChristianDike, @SixtyKeys @jengajojo, @emixprime and @Rene are the current nominees. You can learn more about their background and skills here.

  • This coming Friday, 16th February 2024, there will be a nominee pitch session for nominees to speak directly to the community and tell us why they think they are a good fit for the Grants Council. Venue is Push Discord (Push Voice Channel). Time is 3pm UTC. After the nominee pitch session, the plan is for the elections to hopefully take place the following week.

See you next week Push Fam!

:bell: Push is currently recruiting! There are openings for a Community Advocate, DAO Relations and Communications Manager. Take advantage and spread the word!


Thanks for the excellent recap @christiandike, for those interested, here is the link to the Push BizDev SubDAO Working Group on Telegram.

Governance Call - 21st February 2024

We want to thank everyone for the turnout in this week’s governance call. We hope that participation from the community in governance activities and ceremonies continues to increase :rocket::purple_heart:

The first topic on the agenda was the Business Development subDAO:

  • @SixtyKeys provided some updates on the BD subDAO. We are currently in the process of co-designing a formal proposal for the BD subDAO and we have a working group on telegram which is open for anyone to join and get involved in this process.
  • We looked at some of the major highlights of the draft proposal including the specifications for the BD subDAO program, the proposed budget, goals of the program, and the establishment of a BD subDAO Working Group which will be responsible for coordinating the activities of the BD subDAO.
  • In this initial iteration, a member of the Push core team will have a seat on the BD subDAO WG in an advisory role. As with other upcoming programs of Push DAO, the end goal is to have a fully decentralized and community-owned program.

Next, we provided updates on the Push DAO Development and Growth SubDAO:

  • The DDG subDAO seeks to establish a group responsible for organizing and incentivizing the ideation and execution of DAO growth experiments, drive Push adoption and culture and set the groundwork for the next chapter of the continued evolution of Push DAO.
  • The DDG subDAO will aim to drive contributions in areas such as governance, community, business development and tokenomics/treasury management.
  • We welcome further ideas, voices and discussions around the DDG subDAO from members of the community. If you are interested please join the conversation on the Forum :speaking_head:

Our next discussion was on the Push Grants Program v3 (PGPv3):

  • The proposal for PGPv3 has already been successfully passed via a governance vote on the Push Snapshot and nominations for the Grants Council have been completed.
  • Last week, we held a pitch session for the nominees on Push Discord, where each nominee told us more about their background and goals for PGPv3. The nominees are @ChristianDike, @SixtyKeys @jengajojo, @emixprime and @Rene . You can learn more about their background and skills here.
  • An election will soon be posted on Push Snapshot for members to select two members of the Grants Council from the nominees, to serve in the capacity of Push Grants Lead and Push Grants Evaluator respectively.

We wrapped up by having a discussion on the Push DAO Roadmap for 2024:

  • We plan to have 2 community-run DAO programs (BD subDAO and PGPv3) running concurrently starting from Q2 2024 (April - June), as we believe both programs will complement each other nicely.
  • PushDAO will continue to look for ways to support the mission of Push Protocol as the communication layer for web3. The goal of PGPv3 will be to grow the number of integrations of Push Protocol, while the BD subDAO will focus on spreading awareness of Push Protocol and its different products :chart_with_upwards_trend::muscle:

:bell: See you next week Push Fam!

:notes: Put on your DJ hat :notes::studio_microphone:- we will be holding weekly contests to decide who gets to play music at the start of our governance calls while we wait for the rest of the community to join in!

:briefcase: Push is still recruiting! There are openings for a Community Advocate, DAO Relations and Communications Manager. Take advantage and spread the word!


Governance Call - 28th February Recap🚀

Thanks for joining this week’s Governance Call Push Fam!:purple_heart:
Here is a quick TL;DR about yesterday’s governance call:

  • Agenda of Discussions:

    • Push BD SubDAO Updatesđź’¸
    • Push Grants Council Election👇
    • Proven ways to earn Free $PUSH via Push Yeild Farming.:ear_of_rice:
  • Push BDSubDAO Updates:

    • @SixtyKeys provided the latest insights on the PushBD SubDAO initiative.
    • The revised formal co-proposal is currently in the development phase. Discussions were carried out regarding the establishment of a Push BD SubDAO working committee, which will act as the liaison between the Push BD Core Team and BDSubDAO.
    • Another interesting update was the translation of the PushBDSubDAO proposal into Espapañol, specifically intended for the highly vibrant and active Push LATAM community.
    • Both versions (English and Spanish) of the proposals will be shared next week.
  • Push Grants Council Updates:

    • The Push Grants Council Election is currently live on the Push Snapshot Space. You can access the election via the following link
    • The election is set to conclude on 2March 2PM UTC.
    • $PUSH token holder’s this is your chance to contribute to the protocol’s governance initiative’s by casting your vote in electing the Grants Council.
    • Please note that the election follows a weighted voting system.Which essentially, means you can spread your vote across multiple candidates as per preferred proportions.
    • Following the election, we will host a Twitter Space event to welcome the newly elected council members next Thursday.
    • Kindly note that there will be no Governance call next week due to the Twitter Space event.
    • Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
  • Earning free $PUSH via Push Yield Farm:

    • $PUSH token holders have the opportunity to earn additional $PUSH by staking their tokens in either the Push Fee Staking Pool, offering an APR of up to ~15%, or the Uniswap V2 L2 Staking Pool, with an enhanced APR of up to ~28%.
    • The easiest way to acquire $PUSH is by swapping your preferred ERC20 token for $PUSH on Uniswap. You can do so by visiting the following link:

** See you next week Push Fam!:bell::raised_hands:**


i really appreciate what you are doing with this updates.


Governance Call - 6th March 2024

Hello Push Fam :purple_heart:! Our governance call for this week took a different form.

We held a Twitter/X Spaces where we hosted Alex Poon from CharmVerse and Alex Michelsen from Hedgey Finance to discuss Push Grants Program V3 which we’re about to launch in full swing :rocket:

  • The Push Grants Council election was meant to go to a snapshot vote last week but due to some technical issues on the Push Snapshot, it didn’t run smoothly. Hence, a fresh vote will now be scheduled to hold at a later date. Please keep an eye on the Push Snapshot space to vote for your preferred nominees to be on the Grants Council.

  • CharmVerse is an all-in-one workspace for managing web3 grants programs ranging from managing applications to tracking milestones, communicating with grantees and more.

  • On the other hand, Hedgey Finance provides token distribution mechanisms for web3 platforms. Using Hedgey, DAOs can lockup and distribute tokens to grantees based on milestones and other parameters.

  • Alex Poon and Alex Michelsen told us about the awesome features of CharmVerse and Hedgey respectively, and how PGPv3 can benefit from leveraging both tools. They also give us some advice about key things to consider when running a grants program. You can listen to the recording of the twitter spaces to grab the interesting insights!

See you next week Push Fam :bell::purple_heart:

Our weekly Governance Call continues as usual on Wednesdays by 3pm UTC @ Push Discord Stage. Invite someone to attend and don’t miss it!


Congratz this is marvelous. I love both projects, we use them in our subDAO. It would be great if we have a Hedgey backed nft to run push nodes or pay the grants. That unlocks the tokens after the delivery of the proposals goals.
Also imagine if you can use charmverse API to publish directly to push notification instead e mail updates :heart_eyes:


Excellent ideas @CryptoReuMD , I would love to discuss how we can best use Charmverse and Hedgey for the Grants program.

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Thank you for the question friend.
Today we use tlBANK to represent our tokes and voting power inside Nación Bankless and BanklessDAO, this NFT was mintend by Hedgey, so i was thinking that our staking representation could be a dynamic NFT, wich we can vote in the Governance Forum and keeps the Forum decision Token Gated inside Charmverse. I really don’t have any idea and how to do this, but we are going to implement it soon in NB.

1 Like

Governance Call - 14th March 2024

Hello Push Fam :purple_heart::bell:

In this week’s governance call, we received updates concerning the BizDev SubDAO, PGPv3 and the new DAO Leads were introduced to the community.

Business Development SubDAO

Push Grants Program V3

Push Channel of the Week :trophy:

  • Push has launched a new initiative called “Push Channel of the Week” which aims to spotlight interesting and noteworthy projects with active and growing channels on Push Protocol every week.
  • The very first Push Channel of the Week is the Bankless Channel. Bankless is a global community of web3 enthusiasts that simplify the web3 ecosystem through informative articles and engaging podcasts featuring leading experts.
  • Expand your web3 knowledge by subscribing to the Bankless Channel for FREE (no gas fees required :x::fuelpump:).

DAO Leads

  • @Harshrajaz introduced two persons to the community who will be pulling efforts towards driving the growth and development of Push DAO as the DAO seeks to be more independent and impactful.
  • Ian joins us as our DAO Lead. Ian has worked in the industry since 2016 for all sorts of leading projects and networks, including spending two years full-time at serotonin_hq and building, contributing to, and advising all sorts of DAOs and other forms of communities on-chain.
  • @Carla will serve in the role of DAO Community Relations. Carla started contributing to the industry in 2022 at H.E.R. DAO and Ethereum ecosystem organizations in LATAM. She’s passionate about education, and as many of you already know, has been spearheading our LATAM Ambassadors program.
  • Both Ian and Carla will work as a bridge between the protocol team and the community, marking just the beginning of expanded decentralized governance to come. Feel free to reach out to both of them to discuss potential collaborations or other growth initiatives for Push DAO.

See you next week Push Fam :bell::purple_heart:

Our weekly Governance Call continues as usual on Wednesdays by 3pm UTC @ Push Discord Stage. Invite someone to attend and don’t miss it!


Thanks for the summary @christiandike and @SixtyKeys for fantastically driving of Governance Calls.

Very excited to see the growth of the Push community and how we’ll move towards a more decentralized governance.