Tollan Worlds x EPNS: Communication layer for accessible 2D Pixel Metaverse

  1. Project Name

    Tollan Worlds

  2. Email

  3. About You

    • Michael MKX :ukraine: → Project Lead
      • Serial web3 entrepreneur and influencer, ETH NYC Mentor, BlockDown 2022 speaker, Hack FS & NFT Vision Hack 2021 finalist. Ex AI & Computer Science at Czech Technical University in Prague and SeoulTech. Worked with companies such as Amazon,, Cisco, SoftBank…
      • im_mkx
      • !!mkx#6969
    • Const Sulitskiy :ukraine: → Marketing Lead and Community Manager
      • Digital marketing specialist with 5 years experience, works on behalf of Google Ads with hundreds of Eastern European companies such as Warframe, BMW, Toyota, and Alfabank. Developed an AR Fashion app that uses machine learning generative and adaptive algorithms for better online shopping experiences as well as being part of the FinTech team at NeoBank.
      • constxxx
      • ! const Tollan .io#6336 ****
    • Egor Gritss :czech_republic: → Tech Lead
      • Full-stack Software developer with more than 3 years of experience. Worked for such fin-tech companies as Barclays, Fairplay Pay and was a game development Team Lead in Kralovskavennamesta, a virtual reality project of the ministry of culture of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Czech Technical University. As a crypto-enthusiast participated in test-net programs for Kyve, Pontem, Massa, Zeitgeist, Chainflip, Polars, etc., by running test nodes and doing other testing activities.
      • EgorGritss
      • GriTss#3628
    • Pavel Shauchuk :czech_republic: → Game Designer
      • Game design generalist with more than 2 years of experience, working with various teams all over the world. Created and shipped games from idea to launch, for example, Castle Rush, MyCat, etc. Designed and analyzed the performance of different in-game features in games like Farm Jam, 3Tiles. Participated in numerous game jams such as Ludum Dare 44 & 45.
      • BasicallyShap
      • Shap#6930 ****
    • Dmitry Yurchenko :czech_republic: → Lead Designer
      • Multidisciplinary designer with 6 years of experience. Developed a music label for young, aspiring artists, and created design and branding for all kinds of businesses around the world. Co-Founded, designed, and mentored various NFT projects on Solana and ETH.
      • d_yurr
      • d_yurr#7007
    • Demid Lagutov :czech_republic: → Pixel Artist
      • More than 5 years of experience in conceptual illustrations pixel art for games. Bc. of Arts, and Masters in an artist-restorer of architectural metal. Managed to work on such games as Mortal Crusade, Noir City , Starcombats, and Re.Surs.
      • Klinok#1724
  4. Project TL:DR

    Tollan Worlds is a Free-To-Play accessible metaverse where MMORPG game mechanics blend with web3-driven 2D virtual worlds. Explore a diverse, story-rich gameplay, interact with gamified DeFi, socialise with other players, and earn rewards by bringing value to the community.

  5. Proposal Category

    • Defi
    • NFT
    • Tooling
    • Educational
    • Gaming
  6. Project Overview

    Our mission in Tollan is to create an adventurous MMORPG where in addition to completing quests, gathering together with your friends for raids, and other RPG-native elements you could also build your own story, and dungeons, and even get rewarded for it.

    In Tollan we work together with various DAOs, DeFi protocols, and NFT projects to build quests where people not only get in-game utilities for interacting with protocols but also learn something in a non-invasive gamified way, we call it Play+Learn+Earn. Our mission is to bring Web3 gaming closer to the general audience by building a utility-driven DeFi layer on top of the core gameplay. Players can get rewards for staking, providing liquidity, contributing to DAOs, or creating NFTs.

    We are currently getting ready for our first alpha test where players will be able to complete quests, interact with gamified DeFi protocols, go to co-op PVE missions and simply explore the mysterious worlds of Tollan.

    Learn about DAOs, DeFi, and NFTs in a variety of gamified experiences built together with our partners and get valuable collectibles. Our mission is to bring Web3 gaming closer to the general audience by building a utility-driven DeFi layer on top of the core gameplay. Players can get rewards for staking, providing liquidity, contributing to DAOs, and creating NFTs.

    We also have Tollan Comic:
    Dive deeper into the lore of Tollan Worlds with our community-made comic book. The goal is not only to get readers acquainted with aesthetics, inhabitants, and other components of our Metaverse but also to demonstrate the importance of Web3 and its values through entertaining and collaborative storytelling

  7. Value Proposition to EPNS

    In our MMORPG gaming world, there is always something happening, and its easy to forget about some important aspects. You are casually walking through the mountains to slay that final lizard but you suddenly remember that you have only 20 more minutes to claim your reward for staking some tokens with that miner in a gold mine a while ago. Or you forgot about your agreement with fellow Wizards, Punks, and Apes to go on a co-op mission this evening, and already turned off your PC. And finally, there is this weekly tournament, and you could really use those prize money to get some more golden melons for your next quest, but exactly on this day, you’ve decided to take a day off the metaverse.

    EPNS is a game-changer for keeping track of all things that are happening around the Worlds of Tollan. With EPNS, not a single Tollaners will now miss their regular reward from integrated DeFi protocols. Not a single event will be missed due to players being offline, and nobody will now have an excuse not to play with their teammates, cause they will receive a “call-to-action” notification straight to their EPNS app or extension.

    Tollan is already attracting more and more DeFi and NFT users, and further, we go, more focus would be put on the general gaming audience. We want to create the most smooth and simplest way to onboard people into the metaverse and web3, and this, therefore, will draw more attention to EPNS as a core mechanism of the in-game interaction layer.

  8. Funding Requested

    90.000 $PUSH

  9. MilestonesThese need to be specific and a timeline set for the completion of each step. Funding will often be tied to the agreed-upon steps and timeline set here.

    • Notifications to waitlist users regarding updates, giveaways, and more…. → 30. July 2022
      • Potential number of subscribers is 4500
      • Weekly technical update on the development process
      • giveaway announces, and call to action to participate by clicking the link in the notification
      • notifying giveaway winners
      • Community calls, game nights, and other community events starting announcements
      • Partnership announcements
      • New comic book issues release announcements
      • Comic book and other giveaways for Tollan EPNS channel subscribers
    • Alpha test notifications → Late August 2022
      • New in-game social events announcements
      • Co-op PVE missions invitations
      • Claim rewards for interactions with in-game DeFi protocols reminders
      • Friend requests
      • Call to action daily reminder to claim a small reward
    • Marketplace notifications → Q4 2022
      • Item sold
      • Outbid
      • Your item has made it to the marketplace
      • Auction ended
  10. Wallet Address


  11. Relevant Links & Attachments

  12. Referral

    Harsh, Jaf, Fabio, Richa


Great Proposal there @mkx
I have a few questions tho

  1. In milestone 1 you mentioned that your potential number of subscribers was 4500, how was that number arrived at.
  2. What are your monthly views on your website.
  3. Is there a demo that can be shown in a community call
  4. On the NFTS
  • what is the total supply
  • will there be a separate land and character sale or will it be a bundle of 2 in one sale.
  1. How many people are on the waitlist currently and are there any DAOs/DeFi protocols that your are partnered up with at the moment.
  2. Will there be a separate play to play game that is just for casual users who just want to play the game.

Hey, aswin, great questions, let me break it all down for you:

  1. It’s a combination of our Twitter and Discord audiences. The actual expected number of users of our channel is larger due to the fact that we are saving our go-to-market marketing plan in collaboration with our partners for a few weeks ahead of the release of our demo, players will earn in-game rewards {resources, wearables, etc…} for connecting to Tollan’s EPNS channel, so we expect the majority of players to be connected to the channel.
  2. Our website got launched earlier this month, in our Twitter we have ~40-50k monthly tweet impressions.
  3. We are in a process of development, the first version of our demo for private testing will be released in July.
  4. Our mission is to release NFTs with utilities from day 1, we want to provide value to our community, not just promises. We decided to take a creative approach to land ownership in the metaverse and inspire land owners to actually contribute to the gaming world and gain rewards for it, this is everything we could publicly speak about at this stage unfortunately
  5. We have nearly 2200 people on the waitlist. Our partners, including DAOs, DeFi protocols, and NFT collections, can be found on our website. To name a few of them there are Sushi, BoringDAO, Double Protocol, etc…
  6. As mentioned on our website we focus to create an actual MMORPG experience where players could also create their own stories, dungeons, and more… and then put a DeFi layer on top of it for players to gain additional valuable game utilities for interacting with them.

Let me know if you have any additional question and we can’t wait to welcome EPNS to our ecosystem :smiley:


excited for this!! let’s go Tollan Worlds!!! LFG :metal:


Very honored of being part of the Tollan community since its beginnings. Can testify that the team has been true to their style and word. Playful, inventive and innovative.

Here’s to a great success, Play to learn + earn & Web3 are a fantastic combo


hey would love to know the breakdown of the funding by milestones @mkx

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Hey aswin, we’re are seeing this as following:

  1. 35.000
  2. 40.000
  3. 15.000

Let me know if you have any additional questions :slight_smile:


would you be available for a chat with the Gov team on Tuesday 4:30 AM UTC or Thursday 4:30 PM UTC?
we open the VC in our discord every tuesday and thursday and would love to talk with you in our next one.

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Hey aswin, sure, Tuesday 4:30 AM UTC works :slight_smile:


Hey @mkx just reminding you to put up a comment with the new milestones as discussed in Office hours today

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Hey aswin, I remember, was waiting for you guys to put a list of questions that we discussed on the call so everyone could see them as we discussed, and I will pin my reply!

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As we discussed we would split grant into 2.
The amount is set in $PUSH tokens amount equivalent to USD.

Here are the new milestones for the first part:

$PUSH Equivalent to 14.000 USD Notifications to waitlist users regarding updates, giveaways, and more…. → 15. July 2022

  • Potential number of subscribers is 4500
  • Weekly technical update on the development process
  • Giveaway announces, and call to action to participate by clicking the link in the notification
  • Notifying giveaway winners
  • Partnership announcements

$PUSH Equivalent to 10.000 USD Community Events Announcements → 30. July 2022

  • Community calls, game nights, and other community events starting announcements
  • New comic book issues release announcements
  • Special notifications for exclusive giveaways for holders
  • Comic book and other giveaways for Tollan EPNS channel subscribers



This is a good breakdown
now that you guys have an idea of how to split the proposal it would be great if you could join us again in today’s office hours in discord at 4:30 PM UTC

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This proposal has met the criteria for Poll & is ready to be moved to Snapshot for formal voting. @mkx

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Should this PGP proposal be advanced to a formal Snapshot vote?
  • YES
  • NO

0 voters

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@mkx the proposal has received 10 votes and shall be moved to snapshot soon.

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Hey @mkx
This proposal is now published on Snapshot - PGP-04: Tollan Worlds x EPNS: Communication layer for accessible 2D Pixel Metaverse

Voting shall commence after 24 hrs. Within this period the team could challenge the proposal if any mismatch is found in the proposed items.

Voting starts: 07 July 2022 1.30 pm UTC

Voting ends: 14 July 2022 1.30 pm UTC

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This proposal has been approved on Snapshot. See the proposal here
Congratulations Tollan Worlds team!

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