Codemire + EPNS : Notifications on cross IP PVP Gamefi ecosystem

Project Name: LYNC

1. Email:

2. About You Intro and background of those involved. Please link Twitter accounts and choose the preferred contact method below.

Vishwas Bhushan: I am the Co-Founder of Codemire and have been in the NFT space for more than one and half years with the access of over 200K+ NFT community on Twitter. Have sold over 1000+ NFT artworks and know the importance of community in the web3 and NFT space.
I have handled the Community at Wishfie with Durgesh Kaushik. I have lead the design and front end at Essentially sports. Have launched multiple hyper-casual games and scaled them up to 100K downloads in a month.
Partnered with Animetas in Animonkeys game. Have got featured in NEAR insider, BlockTalks as one of the top $NEAR influencers. I have teamed up with JF_NFT, Real Miss NFT, and various NFT OGs to uplift the NFT artist and NFT community. I am also a core team member of OG CLUB DAO. With codemire, the vision is to deliver the best gaming experience to anyone entering the web3 space.

Email: vishwas@codemire

Twitter: @BhushanVishwas

Discord: VISH ΞNFT#5026

Shanu Joshi: Shanu is an app, game, and blockchain developer, running a game studio for the past 3 years and have been in the Web3 space for more than 12 months. She handles and leads the tech part and has developed a web3 game that is already live on the polygon main net.

She handled the development of metaverse and game as Greed and Baby Doge Inu Team Member and the tech and smart contract of 100 unbiased collections to support 1/1 NFT artists with JF_NFT.
She lead the development of multiple applications created in flutter in Essentially Sports and Auby. She was working there as a tech lead and Senior flutter engineer.
She even worked as a game developer at Kwalee.

Email: shanu@codemire

Twitter: @Shanu12Joshi

Discord: shanu12joshi#4457

4. Project TL:DR: Quick pitch summarizing the proposal in 2-3 sentences

We are creating the first NFT Gaming metaverse where users can play games with their NFT avatars and our main focus is more on the gaming experience.

5. Proposal Category

  • Defi
  • NFT
  • Gaming

6. Project Overview

What is the work that needs to be done and what’s potentially already finished? What’s the timeline for the completion of the different tasks? How will the work be delegated among the team? What costs are involved?
Describe the project in detail.

At LYNC, we are letting the NFTs fight with each other for the best gaming experience. As of right now most of the game P2E games ignore the gaming experience. Our MVP is ready where multiple players can play and compete with each other with their NFTs as game avatars. Our next goal is the work on NFT lending and collateral token transaction.
We believe that notifications play a very important role in any gaming ecosystem, this allows gamers to stay updated and that’s why we chose EPNS to send web3 notifications.

7. Value Proposition to EPNS
What are the benefits to the EPNS community of investing in this proposal?

Our main goal is not just to create a gamefi ecosystem but our goal is to let NFT communities clash with each other by providing the best gaming experience which allows the gamers and various NFT communities to play and earn at the same time. This will result in the wide use of the EPNS by the gamers and NFT community, because as of now most of the Play to Earn ignores the power of notification and hence the power of EPNS, to create a hook effect among the community.

8. Funding Requested
Figure should be in $PUSH tokens

100,000 $PUSH

9. Milestones
These need to be specific and a timeline set for the completion of each step. Funding will often be tied to the agreed-upon steps and timeline set here.

Phase 1:

  • Notification setup for the community already on the waitlist.
  • Send notifications to the early users.
  • Inform your users about the latest updates.

Phase 2:

  • Notifications will be sent when the user is onboarded on the platform.
  • Notifications will be sent to users getting airdrops.
  • Reward notifications to the users.
  • Notifications will be sent on the tournament announcement.

Phase 3:

  • Notifications send on a daily basis to increase the retention of users.
  • Notifications are set up and sent when a user wins or loses in a tournament round.
  • Upgrade in-game asset notifications.

10. Wallet Address
Payments will be made in $PUSH token on mainnet.
Wallet Adress: 0x820180d4F6C951Bb4D5D2aeb585eB2202D0FfbD6

11. Relevant Links & Attachments
If applicable, please share applicable links to your project (e.g., website, Twitter, GitHub)

12. Referral
Did someone from EPNS, or any of our friends refer you here?

Harsh Rajat from EPNS
Kishan Boriya from EPNS
Ashis from EPNS


@vishnft Hey this Proposal must be under the PGP section as it is a Grant Proposal and not a Governance Proposal.
To get the ball rolling please post it in Push Grants section.

1 Like

Hey Aswin, Thank you for brining that up, just fixed it :slight_smile:

Hi @vishnft - Cool proposal!

I have a few questions:

  • Where can I see the MVP?
  • Trying to understand more the potential for notifications
    • How many users/players do you currently have?
    • How Many of them are in the waitlist?
    • Do you plan including a marketplace for in-game items (NFTs) ?

Questions specifically about the milestones


  • With Notifying people in the Waitlist being a 1-time event. Can you explain a bit more what other notifications aside from Latest Updates you are planning to send at this stage.
  • Whats the ETA to complete this stage?


  • What notifications are you planning for new user/player onboarding?
  • Airdrop again is a 1-time event. Meaning 1 notification to XX users. What are additional plans you have around airdrop that might need to trigger more notifs?
  • Rewards and Tournaments are great notifications as they are consistent and increase with time. Can you elaborate more on this please? How often and under which circumstances rewards are communicated to users, and same goes for tournaments.
  • ETA?


  • The Call to action itself is a great too for User Engagement and User retention - what’s your strategy to create these User adoption and engagement funnels? What can be send out in a daily basis?

This is a very exciting proposal, I just think the milestones need to be presented in a more granular manner so the value proposition for EPNS can me measured more accurately.

Looking forward to your reply!


Hey @Jaf,
Thank you so much for your feedback and we would love to answer all your questions.

We are working on the design and environment once we finish it will be sharing the gameplay video with you super soon. Development of the lending and renting ecosystem has been started.

We have a community of more than 4k users right now, and they are on the waitlist who will be receiving the early notifications.

Yes, we are actually working on the marketplace for the in-game assets as well as existing NFTs, where users can rent an in-game asset and existing NFT. And users can also lend their NFTs to gamers to play on their behalf with the reward pool share.

About the milestones:

Phase 1:

  1. Apart from sending notification once to the waitlist user, we’ll be sending notifications for the new games being added to the ecosystem, announcements about the upcoming tournaments, and offers available on the marketplace with assets available in the discounted offers.

  2. Till Q3

Phase 2:

  • For new users, we will be sending notifications on what they can do inside the ecosystem, a guide on how to rent or lend an NFT and how they can invite their friends or family to play wit them.
  • To get a notification when their friend sends them any reward/gift/tokens as a gift.
  • Rewards data notification will be sent to all the users playing in P2E games, including all the types i.e, PVP, Clan Clash, guilds, or Tournaments. Whenever users will win, they will get rewarded and reward notifications will be sent. Tournaments will be consistent and will be held every week and all the players will get notified every day, 3 days prior to the tournament, and after the tournament, users will be sent notifications regarding whether they won or looses, and if they are entering the next round or not, and again rewards notification as well.
  • Till Q4

Phase 3:

  • To engage more users in a gaming ecosystem, notifications play an important. To increase retention of a game or a game ecosystem notifications can do wonders and so is our plan to send daily notifications to increase retention, engagement and by notifying them that they are better than most of the players and should use their skills to play.

Let us know if you have any more questions :smile::smile:
Looking for more of your feedback.


@vishnft would it be possible to please add more granularity to the for notifications on each phase. This will help to measure better the value proposition for EPNS, and put everyone on the same page.

say for instance:
Milestone1: notifications to waitlist participants

  • Potential number of subscribers: 4,000
  • notification when waitlist starts
  • notifications about new games. Expected 1 new game per week
  • notifications for tournaments - 2 tournaments a week.
  • Marketplace events (3 basic notifs)
    • New Item available
    • Your item is sold
    • You received an offer for 1 of your items
  • Auction Events
    • Auction started
    • You were outbid
    • You won the auction
    • Auction Ended

The more granular the better in order to try to assign allocation per milestone, and eventually help establish a funds release strategy that can be verified after each milestone is complete.


Hey @Jaf , Here’s a set of notifications will be sending the users, with a few examples.

  • Potential users - 4,000 - 6,000

  • Notification to users when alpha launch

  • Marketplace Notification examples:

    • Want to rent your CryptoPunk #4221?
    • You have received an offer for one of your items :tada:
    • Your BAYC #8900 got rented for 3 days
    • One of your items got sold
  • Notifications 3 days prior to the tournament (Tournament every week)

    • Tournament coming up in 3 days, Are you prepared?
  • Daily notifications example:

    • You are better than 99% of the player, Earn rewards by playing
    • Want to upgrade your avatar? Prices down by 30%
    • Notification which states the leaderboard position of players, and excites them to play
  • Notification about new games

  • Notifications to new users about:

    • Here’s a quick list of things you can do inside the LYNC ecosystem, check them out
    • Rent out your NFT
    • Want a player to play on your behalf, try lending your NFT now
  • Invite your friends and family to play

  • You just got 100 $LYNC tokens/ avatar(NFT) as a gift by ____

  • Congratulations!! You won!! - will be sent every time a user wins (PVP, Clan Clash, guilds, tournaments)

  • Tournament notifications:

    • To winners - Congratulations on getting selected for the next round
    • To eliminate gamers - encouraging notification to make them practice before the next tournament
    • Reward notifications
  • Notification to the entire community - When any game or art as NFT got selected in DAO to be used in the ecosystem

At Lync we are creating a GameFi ecosystem that empowers gamers, NFT holders, developers, and artists, allowing them to use their existing NFTs inside the ecosystem as their game avatars and to earn by our play-to-earn mechanism.
The goal of LYNC is to develop a fully decentralized ecosystem, where gamers have the opportunity to earn the best gaming experience. Developers and artists can contribute to earning royalties, while NFT holders can rent and lend their NFTs.

Through LYNC we want to increase users of EPNS as well, as we’ll be sending notifications to the entire community about features, new art, new games getting selected by DAO and developers and
artists will use EPSN without a fraction of understanding it.

Here’s the fund breakdown with milestones to check the progress:

Milestone 1:

  • Multiplayer onboarding with NFTs as their game Avatar in a combat PVP - Send notifications to let whitelist users know and play

  • Release Game Trailer - send notifications to the community about it

  • Build a marketplace to let players buy and sell in-game assets as an NFT

  • Send notifications to players to list their in-game assets NFT

  • Send notifications to players to buy

  • Send notifications to players to start the auction.

Fund breakdown for this phase: (90% development + 10% Video creation)

  1. Optimize the combat game which is in development

  2. Hire an environment artist

  3. Combat designer to work on the choreographed set of moves, and implement highly polished and memorable gameplay by creating diverse combat encounters that challenge the player’s skill.

  4. Creation of Game Trailer.

  5. Smart contract for in-game assets as NFTs (in development)

  6. Smart contract of Marketplace (in development)

  7. Audit the smart contract

  8. Desing and developing the marketplace

Funds ask: 40,000 $PUSH

Milestone 2:

  • Let users rent/lend their existing NFTs
    • Send notification about how they can rent
    • Rented NFT got a new renter for ____ days
    • Send notification about how they can lend, its benefits
  • Develop game ecosystem with user onboarding with their NFT avatar and ENS domain and Twitter handle as their usernames
    • Notify users about this feature
    • Notify users to choose a unique username for them
  • Sync game marketplace on this game ecosystem with easy user onboarding

Fund breakdown for this phase: (100% development)

  1. Development of architecture which includes players onboarding with Twitter or ENS handle

2, By Biconomy meta-transactional relayer architecture, the user can easily use the gamefi ecosystem without worrying about the gas fee, even for the 0 account user doesn’t have to worry about buying or swapping to Matic (Allows easy onboarding of web2 users)
3. Syncing architecture with marketplace and game.

  1. Smart contract for renting / lending existing NFT in collateral less and secure way.

  2. Audit smart contract

  3. Integrate this feature with the marketplace.

Funds ask: 30,000 $PUSH

Milestone 3:

  • Developers and artists contribute to the ecosystem and get royalties
    • Developer submitted the game to DAO notifications
    • Artists submitted 3D art to DAO notifications
    • Game submitted to DAO got selected
    • Art submitted to DAO got selected
  • Host tournaments
    • Tournamnent notifications
  • Develop elimination and guild games
  • Invite friends and family to play
  • Send gifts/rewards to friends and family

Fund breakdown for this phase: (70% development+30% rewards for tournament and P2E)

  1. Development of elimination and guild games

  2. Create a Dao, let artists and developers submit to DAO

  3. Create a player invite system for games

Funds ask: 30,000 $PUSH

This is a cool initiative. Having Notifications like 'You are better than X no." and ‘Buy this item for worth X at 40% Off’ goes a long way in user retention.

Renting NFTs as avatars is also a powerful approach as this allows users to earn both

  • passive incomes
  • active incomes

Quick question: Is the MVP live to the public or is it still under production?


Hey, @_arka_23 Thank you :slight_smile:
Our Combat game’s core mechanism is ready, we are optimizing the game and working on the design part. And to make the game realistic and improve the game experience we will be hiring a Combat game-specific development team. Apart from that our marketplace’s smart contracts are ready. Just need to get them audited and we are working on building marketplace architecture with its user-friendly frontend.



Looking forward to trying this once it rolls out to the public!


Thank you :smile:
We are working hard to reveal the game trailer and MVP soon

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This sounds like a cool initiative. After reading the project brief it looks very unique and also adds so much value to the ecosystem as well. Also knowing Vish he’s going to take it up a notch and deliver the amazing product!
Looking forward to it


Sharing the proof of previous work, where we successfully developed Cross IP game 4 months ago and got more than 50K plays during the tournament.

Feel free to play the game.
Link to Video: NFT RUSH - YouTube
Feel free to play: {{{ PRODUCT_NAME }}}

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This PGP has met its requirements and will be moved to
polling soon.

Should this PGP proposal be advanced to a formal Snapshot vote?
  • YES
  • NO

0 voters

This proposal has met the criteria to get promoted for governance voting on Snapshot.

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I think this idea is amazing! It seems like this ecosystem could draw a huge crowd. Specifically, the area where they will hold tournaments. Gaming tournaments are huge in the real world and web2. I hope this proposal passes the next steps!

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This proposal is up on Snapshot for governance voting - Snapshot

CodeMire proposal voting ended on August 26, 2022

Voting results:

NO: 1.4M PUSH | 83.89%

YES: 278K PUSH | 16.11%