About YouIntro and background of those involved. Please link Twitter accounts and choose preferred contact method below.
Arka Sengupta: I am a Graphic Designer at Hubilo and also the co-founder of Chainwhiz. I have
been dabbling in the web3 content space for quite a while now and am a firm believer that we are
all gonna make it “WAGMI”. Bold typographic designs, Apple-Esque copywriting and powerful
marketing campaigns that’s my magic quotient.
Email: arka.chainwhiz@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sengupta_tweets
Discord: arka#2095
Ashis Kumar Pradhan: He is a backend developer at EPNS and founder of Chainwhiz. He has been in the development space for the past 3 years. He loves digging up on web3 projects and in his spare time, he loves reading non-fictional books.
Monalisha Mishra: She is a software developer at Factset and the co-founder of Chainwhiz. She has been exploring the web3 space for the past 2 years. Frontend development is her thing and she enjoys virtual travel(relax, it’s just travel videos on YT).
Rajashree Parhi: She is into software development at Factset and is the co-founder of Chainwhiz. She is thoroughly inspired by the idea of web3. The back-end never really “ends” for her and her alternate address is an excel sheet.
Email: rajashree.chainwhiz@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rajashreeparhi5
Discord: Rajashree#0163
Project TL:DRQuick pitch summarizing the proposal in 2-3 sentences.
Chainwhiz is an open-source bounty marketplace on Polygon connecting Web3 protocols and DAOs with builders, contributors, and communities. Using our platform, projects can outsource tasks of all categories(design, development, writing, etc.) as bounties and find contributors to solve the bounties in exchange for crypto payments.
Chainwhiz also opens up the stage for everyone to contribute to the validation process. With our solution voting mechanism, all community members can stake and vote on the best solutions submitted to the bounties. This helps projects, especially the ones with limited time and resources discover the best solutions to their bounties much faster using the voting scores (calculated after the solution voting) as a reference.
Proposal Category
Project OverviewDescribe the project in detail. What is the work that needs done and what’s potentially already finished? What’s the timeline for completion on the different tasks? How will the work be delegated among the team? What costs are involved?
Chainwhiz is already up and running on the Polygon mainnet. So far, we have hosted 14+ open source bounties and 12+ active bounty hunters have received rewards in crypto for their contributions. We have recorded 70+ sign-ups in a span of 2 months. The next goal is to improve the communication system throughout our platform with the help of EPNS. Notification plays an integral part in our platform as all segments of users need to be notified of every interaction (new bounties, escrow, etc.) to get the very best out of the platform.
We will be hosting a bounty on our platform itself to implement the notification service.
Value Proposition to EPNSWhat are the benefits to the EPNS community for investing in this proposal?
Chainwhiz could be the perfect platform to host EPNS bounties and find contributors for the
Protocol. All the rewards for these bounties could be paid in the form of $PUSH tokens, making it accessible to a larger set of communities.
EPNS community members would be able to receive updates about new bounties going live on Chainwhiz.
Provides a unique use-case of EPNS in the landscape of DAO tooling and bounty marketplace.
In case, the bounty starts receiving solutions, it will be conveyed to the developers through EPNS
The bounty winners would be announced through the EPNS notification service.
Funding RequestedFigure should be in $PUSH tokens
Total funding needed is $6000 which is 5769 PUSH tokens as per the current price of 1.03 USDC.
MilestonesThese need to be specific and a timeline set for the completion of each step. Funding will often be tied to the agreed-upon steps and timeline set here.
Create a bounty on Chainwhiz to use the Showrunner framework to build the notification service. Tentative (4 months)
Incentivise developers for their contribution
Create a Chainwhiz channel in EPNS Mainnet
Marketing of the notification service and using SDKs to implement the UI component(opt-in and show notifications) in Chainwhiz.
Wallet AddressPayments will be made in $PUSH token on mainnet.
Relevant Links & AttachmentsIf applicable, please share applicable links to your project (e.g., website, Twitter, GitHub)
Love what this team is building. Especially how this project opens the stage for more participants in the verification and validation process of bounties.
I’d love to see some more detail in the milestones section:
Looks to me like the 1st milestone needs adjustment. Four months to implement the notification service for Chainwhiz seems too long.
Whats the plan to incentivize Developers? If its a campaign, for how long will it run?
Whats the timeline for this one?
With the reach an open-source bounties Market Place can potentially achieve, I’d love to see more detail on Milestone #2.
I’d be happy to discuss more and bounce ideas with your team. Would be great to have you join our Office hours to share more info.
In reference to your first question, I think it’s best we club both the implementation and the setting up of the channel into one and define a timeline for it together. In that case,
Building the notification service using the Showrunner framework should ideally require about 2 weeks. We had previously pitched a larger duration to include a buffer window(lack of good talent/bugs/etc) of 4 months.
We would also conduct a thorough QA of the Notification service over the Test network, ideally 1-2 weeks, and then move to the Mainnet
Creating the Chainwhiz channel in the Ethereum Mainnet
We would incentivize the community through a Hackathon Bounty campaign hosted on Chainwhiz, itself for helping build the notification service on Chainwhiz. The Hackathon would stretch over a span of 2 weeks and would comprise 4 bounties-
Bounty 1: Notification when a new bounty is posted
Bounty 2: Notification when a new solution is posted
Bounty 3: Notifications during the voting phase
Bounty 4: Notification for Bounty Winner Announcements
The best implementations of the EPNS Notification service would be incentivized in the form of PUSH tokens, which would ideally motivate more contributors to work on the bounties and help ship the notification feature faster. We would welcome any sort of grant support from the EPNS team to help us organize, market, and run the hackathon successfully.
Also, would love to hear more about your ideas and am super pumped to join in the office hours and discuss further.
To answer your question, this is a proposal to integrate EPNS onto Chainwhiz in order to facilitate notifications for the contributors and users of the Chainwhiz Platform.
Feel free to ask any more questions you might have regarding our platform or the proposal!
Just to make sure I’m clear:
You - Chainwhiz - will be creating 4 bounties through a Hackathon on your platform to allow developers to participate and develop the Notifications you need for Chainwhiz? Is this correct?
I like the idea. Although, I think it’s a little thin in my opinion.
How about adding the Opt-In from your dApp itself as a bounty?
Implementing notifications coming to your dApp (as an Inbox)?
Would be awesome to see 1-2 more open bounties to let creativity flow
Hey, @Jaf
Yes, your understanding is absolutely correct. We will organize a Hackathon that will comprise these bounties. This would allow builders to participate and develop the Notifications service for the Chainwhiz Platform.
Adding the Opt-In feature as a bounty- Yes, most definitely this can be included as one of the bounties for the Hackathon.
Showing the notifications inside our dapp would be a part of a future release. We can post that bounty in the future as well, once we open up the repo for our dapp completely.
To summarize our plans, for everyone, we would be
Hosting a Hackathon wherein we will post 6 bounties on the platform itself to implement the EPNS notification service on Chainwhiz.
Bounty #1: Notification when a new bounty is posted
Bounty #2: Notification when a new solution is posted
Bounty #3: Notifications during the voting phase
Bounty #4: Notification for Bounty Winner Announcements
Bounty #5: Opt-In feature
Bounty #6: Twitter Thread Bounty about EPNS Notifications on Chainwhiz
The 3 Best Implementations for each bounty will be rewarded with PUSH tokens.
We will be organizing a 1hr workshop to explain to the community how one can integrate EPNS into their dapps.
Great to see Chainwhiz thinking about the betterment of user experience. Notifications have been a huge space to fill in the platform. I have been personally wanting to receive notifications after my solutions get approved.
Hope this gets through and we get to see Push Notification on Chainwhiz soon!
Hi @_arka_23
The PGP is all set to move to the next phase as it has received the minimum amount of likes to proceed.
But before we do so it would be great if you could add the summary that was mentioned in replies to the proposal.
Chainwhiz Proposal
Chainwhiz is an open-source bounty marketplace on Polygon connecting Web3 protocols and DAOs with builders, contributors, and communities. Using our platform, projects can outsource tasks of all categories(design, development, writing, etc.) as bounties and find contributors to solve the bounties in exchange for crypto payments.
Chainwhiz is already up and running on the Polygon mainnet. So far, we have hosted 16+ open-source bounties and 14+ active bounty hunters have received rewards in crypto for their contributions. We have recorded 70+ sign-ups in a span of 2 months. The next goal is to improve the communication system throughout our platform with the help of EPNS. Notification plays an integral part in our platform as all segments of users need to be notified of every interaction (new bounties, escrow, etc.) to get the very best out of the platform.
Create a bounty on Chainwhiz to use the Showrunner framework to build the notification service. Tentative (4 months)
Incentivise developers for their contribution
Create a Chainwhiz channel in EPNS Mainnet
Marketing of the notification service and using SDKs to implement the UI component(opt-in and show notifications) in Chainwhiz.
UPDATE AS OF 10 May 2022
Milestones after discussions and iterations are:
Hosting a Hackathon Bounty Campaign for 2 weeks to Build the notification service using the Showrunner framework.
Conduct a thorough QA of the Notification service, once build, over the Test network, ideally for 1-2 weeks, before moving to the Mainnet.
We will be organizing a 1hr workshop to explain to the community how one can integrate EPNS into their dapps.
Here is a detailed plan for the Hackathon Bounty Campaign, we will be hosting -
A. We will post 6 bounties on Chainwhiz, itself to implement the EPNS notification service on Chainwhiz.
Bounty #1: Notification when a new bounty is posted
Bounty #2: Notification when a new solution is posted
Bounty #3: Notifications during the voting phase
Bounty #4: Notification for Bounty Winner Announcements
Bounty #5: Opt-In feature
Bounty #6: Twitter Thread Bounty about EPNS Notifications on Chainwhiz
B. The 3 Best Implementations for each bounty will be rewarded with PUSH tokens.
@aswin and @Jaf - Thanks for passing the proposal into the next phase. I have summarized the proposal and all the discussions.
In order to maintain transparency, we would like to announce that after discussing with the Chainwhiz team we are ending this Push Grant ahead of time. We are grateful for the contributions of all those involved and the feedback and commitment demonstrated by the Chainwhiz team. The Chainwhiz team agreed on returning the Grant funds given to them to the PGP pool, so other builders can have access to them.
We are confident that this restructuring period will set them up for success and look forward to the opportunities that will come. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and professionalism.