[PROPOSAL] Retroactive Contributor Compensation System

Simple Summary

This proposal aims to create a transparent and accessible way for Push DAO contributors to receive rewards for completing tasks and activities for the DAO.


The purpose of this proposal is to formalize a retroactive contribution system for Push DAO. This system will allow contributors to get compensated for completing tasks and activities that advance the goals of the DAO. As the DAO scales, there are times when we will need more contributors to assist with specific tasks. These contributors should be rewarded for their contributions to keep them motivated and aligned with Push DAO.


As with any DAO, Push DAO has many community members and contributors. These contributors do not all have a clear path to receiving rewards, which are currently limited to certain working groups/councils within the DAO. However, as the DAO grows and these contributors become more and more active within the DAO, we need to address this issue and provide them with a framework with which to be rewarded. Thus, we propose a retroactive rewards system in which contributors can perform work on behalf of the DAO and get rewarded at a future date.


Push DAOs retroactive compensation system will be based on the KarmaGAP platform. KarmaGAP is usually reserved for grantees, but we will be repurposing it to allow DAO contributors to fill in their contributions as they complete them. This serves the DAO in two ways, firstly, it will be a transparent system that allows all members of the DAO to see the contributions. Secondly, as KarmaGAP is an onchain platform, the DAO operations team will have easy access to the wallet addresses of contributors who complete their contributions on the platform, and will also be able to verify these contributions with minimal friction.

The process for completing contributions will be as follows:

  1. A task is assigned to a contributor by a member of the DAO Council. Contributors can also propose to complete high-value tasks for any member of the DAO Council.

  2. After completing the task, the contributor will create a project (which will refer to themselves) on the KarmaGAP platform and fill out their contribution as a milestone or an update.

  3. After completing their milestone/update, the contributor will share the link with the member of the DAO Council who assigned the task in the first place.

  4. All tasks will be verified by a KarmaGAP admin (currently @SixtyKeys @EC3 and @Rene) and will be considered valid after verification onchain.

  5. Contributors will be paid by the operations team at a future date. The amount paid will either be decided by the member of the DAO Council who assigned the task or agreed upon by the entire DAO Council and will be in line with rates across the web3 ecosystem.

Contribution streams

The following contribution streams will be available for contributors:

  • Content: This involves creating blog posts, articles, social media content, and educational materials to spread awareness about Push DAO and its initiatives.

  • Administrative: This involves managing DAO operations, community engagement, and event planning to ensure the smooth functioning of the DAO.

  • Development: This entails providing technical support, including programming, design, and development activities to enhance the Push ecosystem.

  • Partnerships & Grants: This involves fostering partnerships, scouting, and applying for grants and other opportunities to drive the growth and outreach of Push DAO.

Note: The Retroactive rewards system will only be in effect for contributions that happened from May 1st, 2024, aka the kickoff of Push DAO V2.


FOR: Implement a Retroactive Compensation System for Push DAO

AGAINST: Do Not Implement a Retroactive Compensation System for Push DAO


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Seeing as the need for a ratified reward system for contributors is an immediate need of the DAO; I am requesting to fast-track this vote to snapshot. Please find the Temp Check poll below :point_down:

Retroactive Contributor Compensation System
  • Implement a Retroactive Compensation System for Push DAO
  • Do Not Implement a Retroactive Compensation System for Push DAO
0 voters
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Fully behind this.

Needs to be formalized.

This is as we discussed.

Benefits everyone.

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I love see this, a lot of people ask me this things. Now they can read this and understand how is the process to contribute on Push DAO.
Keep PUSHing! :bell: :purple_heart:


this proposal demonstrates Push DAO’s commitment to community members who make valuable contributions. the proposed compensation system aligns contributors’ interests with the DAO’s goals and supports the ethos of community incentivization that drives the entire web3 ecosystem.

it’s exciting to see how far we’ve come since the launch of Push DAO v2; we’re moving increasingly towards full decentralization, with the DAO becoming more self-operational. under this system, contributors aligned with the DAO perform tasks and are rewarded in an open and democratic way, with minimal top-down direction and central coordination. it will be interesting to see how this system evolves, hopefully into a more automated process.

i’m fully in support of this proposal and proud of the DAO Council. now, more than ever, i’m happy to be a member of Push DAO.


I strongly disagree with this point and believe it should be considered a dealbreaker. This introduces significant uncertainty to the proposal, as its outcome for me as a contributor will only be clear after the fact. It’s somewhat akin to retroactive grants, but at least with RPGF and other programs, there is a slight idea of what to expect.

This proposal should not proceed unless there is more clarity regarding the evaluation and compensation strategy.

Furthermore, while I understand that work must be compensated fairly, the DAO needs to be mindful of the current market conditions and the unfortunate events surrounding WazirX’s hack that affected $PUSH price. Aligning with rates in the web3 ecosystem would result in substantial $PUSH expenditures at a time when the token is at an all-time low. NOT a good idea.

Hope this is taken in consideration.


This is fantastic! I’ve had countless people asking about how to contribute to Push DAO. Having this information readily available will definitely increase the amount of contributions.

It will undoubtedly clarify the process for many and encourage more involvement in the community.

Great work on making this happen!


As a prospective contributor this is a step in the right direction, with increased clarity around the compensation system, I am able to allocate more time to contributing to the Push DAO.


Hey Jerome, this is a retroactive compensation system pretty much, and by nature, these systems do not exactly inform applicants what to expect. However, since the DAO Council will be the stewards of this system, you can always negotiate beforehand so you have a better idea of what you will receive.

Yes, this entire situation has been taken into consideration, and the spending on additional contributions will be at a reasonable level for the foreseeable future.

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Welcome, never seen you around before. Would love to hear what you were thinking abut contributing to.

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I’m not planning to become a contributor to the DAO at the moment, but as a long-term token holder, I want to ensure that the DAO’s expenditures are handled carefully. The only way to achieve this is through transparency.
Poor management of the DAO treasury could negatively impact the project.


Couldn’t agree more. The DAO is becoming more and more streamlined with reporting as time goes on, as mentioned on other threads.


This is good , the reward system is a great way to appreciate those who have already gone above and beyond for the DAO. Kudos to the team.


This proposal’s discussion period will end Friday August 23rd.


I agree with @christiandike that this proposal supports the spirit of incentivizing quality contributions, which drives the entire web3 ecosystem.
Since the launch of Push DAO v2, we have taken significant and steady steps towards greater transparency and decentralization. This is another step we must take, as it aligns with our mission to onboard more people to the DAO and also to retain them as loyal contributors.

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