PUSH Weekly Governance Call Recap Thread

Governance call - August 7th, 2024

GM GM Push fam! :saluting_face:
This weekly governance call had a lot of interesting updates.

So please do well to go through the summary below if you missed this week’s governance call.

DAO Council Updates :purple_heart:
The DAO Calendar is now ready; please do well to subscribe to keep up with all the events happening at the DAO.

Push DAO needs you . The DAO Council is looking for an inhouse designer. The designer will be responsible for designing any assets the DAO Council/Ambassador Leads might need. We will share the application details on the forum soon.

We have a running vote currently on snapshot; if you have already delegated your PUSH, please vote as the vote closes on August 11th.

Push DAO Council KPIs for July 2024 :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  • Increase voter participation average to 10. :x:
  • Publish 2 0p/Eds by end of month.
  • Source 6 or more interested grantees for Push Grants V3. :white_check_mark:
  • Grow social following by 10% or more from 771 (now at 942) by the end of July. :white_check_mark:
  • Drive 7 potential integrations to Push. :white_check_mark:
  • Increase cumulative V3 Grant Pipeline by 10% or more over last month’s inbound. :white_check_mark:
  • Increase regular contributor base to 15 or more by end of month.
  • Increase DAO-to-DAO partnerships by 3. :white_check_mark:
  • Publish 5 or more community guides to Push.

Forum Outlook :mailbox_with_no_mail:
[PROPOSAL] Pre-PIP #3: Cross Chain Request feature in Push Smart Contracts v3

Pre-PIP 3 is a proposal to implement the Cross Chain Requests feature in Push Protocol smart contracts (i.e., PushCore and PushComm). Once enabled, this feature will allow users to interact with the Push Core smart contract on the Ethereum chain from any EVM or Non-EVM chain of their choice ( without leaving their favourite chain).

[PROPOSAL] Event Guidelines

This proposal seeks to establish foundational guidelines for what sort of events, of every level, Push DAO pursues for attendance and all other purposes. As Push DAO and the greater Push ecosystem continue to scale, with many exciting updates on the horizon this year, it has never been more important to set a framework for evaluating events to participate in.

Upcoming Votes :ballot_box:

[PROPOSAL] Ambassador Guidelines v1

This proposal aims to create a new framework and guidelines for Push ambassadors to ensure they are active and engaged in Push DAO and the broader Push ecosystem.

[PROPOSAL] Retroactive Contributor Compensation System

This proposal aims to create a transparent and accessible way for Push DAO contributors to receive rewards for completing tasks and activities for the DAO.

How do I participate in Push Governance?

(Push Token voting)

  • If you are more interested in active participation in Push Governance, then voting is for you. Push Token voting allows you to have a say in completed proposals that reach the snapshot voting stage.
  • Our Push Governance Processes document explains how, why, and when we vote. The first step in the voting process is owning the PUSH governance token.
  • You can acquire PUSH tokens on centralized exchanges (MEXC, Gate.io) and decentralized exchanges (CoW Swap, Uniswap).
  • Once you hold PUSH tokens in your EVM wallet, you can activate PUSH voting power by delegating to yourself or someone else on the Push dApp.

Push Channel of the Week :trophy:
Our Channel of the Week is :drum: Push Español :partying_face:

The Push Español Channel has been consistently relaying ecosystem updates to the Push Spanish community. The channel is run by our very own LATAM Ambassadors and is one of the best ways for the spanish speaking community to stay up to date with everything Push!

The Push Español channel provides instant push notifications for:

  • Protocol Updates.
  • Governance Updates.
  • Community Updates.

DAO Events + Community Highlights. :star:
To celebrate the great news about the Push Cross Chain Requests, we will be holding a contest for the best thread that summarizes Pre-PIP #3. There will be a reward of $100 for the three winners.

Push Founder Harsh just had a podcast appearance with Defiant News. The topic of discussion was how Web3 DApps can compete with Web2 apps. Watch the full podcast now on YouTube.

Our DAO lead, lan Leviness, recently joined an Amberdata podcast as a guest speaker, addressing the challenges of decentralized communication problems that Push is solving for web3 users, his career so far in web3, and much more. You can watch it here.

Last week, we also had a Twitter space with Wormhole and Zaryab. The space was hosted by our DAO Lead lan, and the topic of discussion was the new Cross Chain Requests Feature in Push V3. You can listen to it here.

It will be a pleasure to see you at our next Governance Call.:purple_heart::rocket: