Grants Council Nomination Thread [CLOSED]

Name: Sixty (Brian Adam)
Forum Username: @SixtyKeys
Discord handle: sixtykeys
Twitter: sixty_keys


What is your involvement with Push Protocol?

I have been a part of the Push Community since October 2022, having joined with an interest in protocol governance.

I have been actively contributing to Push Governance for the past 4 months, having led the initiative of designing and structuring the Push Grants Program v3, assisting in hosting the Push weekly governance call, and onboarding DAO service provider StableLab (currently working with leading DAOs such as Arbitrum, Optimism, Aave, Safe, etc.) in order to design a Growth and Development Framework for Push DAO.

What experience do you have that is relevant to the Grants Council?

As mentioned above, I led the initiative of designing and structuring the Push Grants Program v3, giving me a unique perspective on how to guide the program toward reaching its goals and intended outcomes.

I also have experience in Project Management IRL and in the web3 space, which I intend to use in my role as a part of the Grants Council. In a previous role, I led a Governance Working Group for DeFi protocol Index Coop, which involved designing the Index Improvement Proposal process, budgeting, allocation of resources and administration of more than 6 contributors who worked in this working group, and regular reporting of OKRs and KPIs specific to the working group.

Lastly, I have an extensive network in the web3 space which I intend to leverage to attract high-quality projects and builders to the Push Grants Program.

What do you think a good community-owned Grants program looks like?

A good community-owned grants program for Push DAO involves four core tenets that will drive the program, namely:

  • Transparent budgeting - Providing a detailed breakdown of expenses ensures clarity on how grant funds are utilized, fostering trust among stakeholders. This transparency not only informs the community about fund allocation but also establishes an accountable financial structure by demonstrating how each portion of the funds contributes to supporting the project.

  • Regular reporting - Regular reporting on grant fund usage, including progress, achievements, and challenges, is essential for maintaining trust and accountability with the community. This transparent communication demonstrates a commitment to openness, actively involving the community, and ensuring all parties are informed about fund utilization and project progress.

  • Strategic Milestones - Effectively managing web3 grant funds requires establishing achievable milestones tied to fund usage, serving as tangible indicators for step-by-step progress tracking. Breaking down project objectives into manageable steps ensures efficient fund utilization, providing the project team with a clear roadmap and offering the community insight into the project’s direction and the impactful use of grant funds.

  • Community Input - Crucial for responsible grant management is the active involvement of the community in major funding decisions, seeking input from members, stakeholders, and contributors. This inclusive approach aligns projects with the community’s actual needs, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration that ensures responsible fund usage and strengthens the bond between the project team and the community for overall success.

Apologies, I went over the sentence limit a bit here.

What are your goals for this program?

My goal for PGPv3 is to design a world-class grants program that provides the greatest return on investment (ROI) for Push DAO. Design a process that is accessible and frictionless to use for grantees, while providing grantees with the needed support and direction required to integrate Push Protocol into their projects. And most importantly onboard a new wave of builders, developers, and users to use Push Protocol to enable web3 native communications.