Hello- I am Gozman Gonzalez

Hi there,

My name is Gozman Gonzalez, and I’m a content writer based in Africa with a strong interest in Push Protocol. I’ve been following the project closely and was particularly impressed by the work done with the Push v2 and the partnership with various Defi projects.

Coming from a web3 background, I am passionate about contributing to the growth and development of the Push Protocol space, as well as the growth of the Push Africa community.

As a content writer, I believe I can leverage my skills and knowledge to create engaging content that promotes Push Protocol and its mission.


welcome to Push DAO @GozmanGonzalez4 - i know you’ve been around for a while but it’s nice to see you make a formal introduction to the community

we’re planning to open up more contribution opportunities to the community this June - so stay tuned :wink:. i’m very sure your skills and background will come in handy

in the meantime, continue to attend our weekly governance calls to stay on top of Push DAO affairs. also reach out to the DAO Marketing Lead @Rene if you have content ideas you would like to discuss/work on


GM GM! Gozman, I’m happy to see here, that your skills are very useful in the Push DAO. :smiley:

Welcome to the forum.

Stay tuned for the next news. CC @christiandike


Thank you very much @christiandike , I will do as you have said.


Thank you very much @Rene


Happy to see you here on the forum @GozmanGonzalez4 :purple_heart: I know you follow the project closely and it is a pleasure that you can contribute to Push DAO with your skills.


Thank you @Carlaupgrade

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