July Report - Push Ambassadors INDIA

Hey Push Community :wave:,

Iteration 2 Recap and Achievements

  1. Successful Conclusion of Iteration 2 (May-June):
    In July, we wrapped up Iteration 2 of the Push India Ambassador Program. This two-month cycle was marked by significant engagement and contributions from our ambassadors, who played a crucial role in promoting Push Protocol across various platforms.

  2. Expansion for Iteration 3:
    To build on our momentum, we onboarded 14 new Indian Ambassadors in preparation for Iteration 3, which commenced on August 1st. The onboarding process included an introductory call where the new ambassadors were familiarized with the program’s objectives and their roles.

  3. Sync-Up Calls and DAO Engagement:
    We held a sync-up call with all Indian Ambassadors in the last week of July, focusing on the new initiatives for Iteration 3. Additionally, we participated in a monthly sync-up call with the Push DAO council, ensuring alignment with the broader goals of the protocol.

  4. Social Media Growth and Engagement:

    • Push India Ambassadors Twitter Handle:
      • The Twitter handle gained 16 new followers in July, reflecting growing interest in our activities. We also posted 2 viral tweets, including:
        • A post with 9 comments, 21 retweets, 37 likes, and over 5,348 views, showcasing the impact of our content. x.com
        • A thread highlighting personal stories and feedback from 7 ambassadors, which received positive responses. A follow-up thread will be launched in Iteration 3. x.com
  5. Community Engagement and Content Creation:
    Our Push India Ambassadors have been actively engaging the community across various social platforms, focusing on promoting Push Protocol and its offerings:

    • LinkedIn and Twitter Posts: Our ambassadors have been consistently posting updates, insights, and tutorials, increasing visibility and engagement for Push Protocol.

    • Blog Posts on Medium and Hashnode: We published detailed articles on both Medium and Hashnode. These articles explored essential topics such as “Unveiling Push Nodes in Push Protocol” and “Understanding Push DAO.” These posts have been well-received and have contributed to spreading awareness of Push Protocol’s capabilities.

    • Few Links to Articles:

  6. IRL Events Participation:
    Our Push India Ambassadors continued to make strides in connecting with the community through in-person events:

    • Upcoming Hackathon with Push Track: One of our ambassadors is taking the lead in organizing an upcoming hackathon, with Push Protocol featured as a dedicated track. This initiative, which has already seen discussions with Pranshu and Sumith, will further solidify Push Protocol’s presence in the developer community. More details will be shared as the event unfolds.

Goals and Strategies for August 2024

  1. Channel of the Week Initiative:
    Starting from the 3rd week of August, the Push India Ambassadors Twitter handle will introduce a “Channel of the Week” series. This initiative will include tutorial videos and concise summaries explaining how to opt-in to each channel and detailing the updates provided.

  2. Enhanced Social Media Presence:

    • Twitter and LinkedIn: Increase overall impressions by consistently posting high-quality content that resonates with our audience. The goal is to grow our follower base and boost engagement through thoughtful posts, updates, and stories from our ambassadors.
    • Medium and Hashnode: Continue publishing insightful articles that highlight the practical applications of Push Protocol. Focus on engaging the Web3 community by sharing knowledge and experiences.
  3. Community Growth and Engagement:

    • Weekly Sync-Up Calls: Conduct regular sync-up calls with Indian Ambassadors to ensure alignment and share updates, fostering a strong sense of collaboration and support within the team.
  4. Collaboration and Partnerships:

    • Hackathon Participation: One of our ambassadors is hosting a hackathon where Push Protocol will be featured as a track. This will provide an opportunity to onboard developers and expand Push Protocol’s reach in the Indian Web3 community. Ongoing discussions with Pranshu and Sumith are focused on finalizing details for this collaboration.
  5. KPI Targets for August:

    • Grow the Push India Ambassadors Twitter account by at least 30 new followers.
    • Increase engagement and impressions on our social media platforms, particularly focusing on Twitter.
    • Strengthen community interactions through regular weekly sync-up calls and monthly sync-up calls with Push DAO.
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I’m proud of you all and happy to see the first public and transparent group report in the forum.

It’s clear that the marketing campaigns are having an incredible reach. I particularly loved the thread highlighting personal stories from 7 ambassadors :purple_heart:

It will be good for us to always keep a growth mindset, so I’m sharing some recommendations/questions for the next report:

  • It’s crucial that ambassadors participate in a large percentage of the Push Protocol / Push DAO events that are shared in the Google & Discord calendars.
  • It will be necessary to know the level of contribution of each ambassador, including the ambassador’s name or pseudonym, the name of their contributions, the number of times that contribution was made in the month, and links to those activities.
  • Is it possible to activate the Push Protocol Reddit account?

I would also like to know if, as part of the onboarding process for newer ambassadors, they are clear on our high standards of quality, including how to identify low performance by an ambassador, mechanisms for providing feedback, how to set warnings, and how to keep motivation levels high.

It’s important to involve the DAO Council in the planning and resource allocation for each ambassador hub’s events. In this regard, I offer my guidance and support for the hackathon you’re organizing, in order to maximize results and align the narrative with the DAO in all events.

Thank you @NooberBoy !

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How can I join ambassador program?

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Thank you so much for your recommendations! I’ll make sure to include each ambassador’s name or pseudonym, their contributions, how often they contributed, and their level of involvement in the next report. I’ll also encourage all ambassadors to take part in PUSH DAO events.

Could you please explain more about what you mean by the Push Protocol Reddit account? I want to make sure we use it in the best way possible.

As for the onboarding process, we ensure that new ambassadors clearly understand our high standards. We set clear expectations from the start about their roles and contributions. We’ve also started personally messaging ambassadors who show low performance to understand the reasons behind it. To improve communication, I’ve shared my Calendly link for 1:1 calls, so we can discuss things better. Our goal is to keep everyone motivated by building a supportive community and regularly recognizing everyone’s efforts and achievements.

We will definitely involve the DAO Council in our planning and events to align our goals and get the best results. I really appreciate your guidance and support for the upcoming hackathon.

Thanks again for your feedback and support!

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Hey @agent54,
Nice to meet you. This is my Telegram. Feel free to contact me, I will let you know about the program.

Glad to hear that! Meet you over there!

In the past, the India ambassadors had access to Push Protocol’s Reddit account. I believe it would be very valuable if you all could contribute with your experience to revamping and supporting the content strategy for that platform, if the lead of your hub agrees.

I trust that feedback is the best way to keep ambassadors motivated and also to invite them to improve their performance if needed. Weekly follow-up calls, Push group chats for asyn communication, and detailed reports to the DAO Council will be necessary to continuously improve.

For now, I would love to see the ambassadors’ commitment to their active participation in Push Protocol/Push DAO events. We are ready to support in whatever is necessary to achieve the best results in event participation and other ongoing collaborations.

Thanks a lot @NooberBoy !