September Report - African Ambassador


Goal: Promote Push Protocol across all platforms; a means to onboard new users to Push Protocol.

How to achieve it?

  • We used a social media strategy of pushing Push Protocol and its products via tweets on X, Medium and other social media platforms.
  • Onboard more users to Push by organizing and participating in real life meetups and events.
  • Be constant and interactive with Push protocol community on discord and the Push DAO
  • Use YouTube to onboard more users.


Our Ambassadors spoke at two IRL events. The first was the Web3Lagos Conference held in Gbagada, Lagos, Nigeria, while the second was ETH SAFARI in Kilifi, Kenya.

Photos; Both events

Web3Lagos Speaker

Medium Posts

We have not established a Medium page yet because we want to give our ambassadors the freedom to explore a wide range of topics. Instead of restricting their creativity, we encourage them to write articles and share them directly on their social media platforms. The links are below;

Elevate Your Crypto Experience with Push snap real-time notifications in Metamask

Enhancing DeFi Communication; How Push Protocol Transformed Secure Finance

Unlocking Blockchain’s Communication Potential

Designs and Videos

One of our ambassadors created an educational video . We are working on other materials to be pushed out in the month of October.


Promotion of PUSH related content ranging from threads, infographics among others with a gross impression of 12,659 views on Twitter.

Our followers Increased by 20 from 760 last month to 780 at the moment.

KPI For Next Month

  • Grow the Push Africa Twitter Account by at least 30 new followers
  • Increase attendees on our bi-weekly Space “Let’s Chat Push”
  • Increase Overall Twitter impression by putting out more posts aimed at promoting Push protocol brand and its products.


There were no articles on LinkedIn this month


One of our Ambassadors created a video; “Revolutionizing Web3: Enhancing dApp Communication with Push Protocol” and posted it on YouTube.

KPI For Next Month

  • Push out more educational video content on YouTube


We successfully appealed and had one of the Reddit accounts unbanned towards the end of this month by the Ambassador in charge of the account. We hope to create more PUSH content on the account in the month of October


Goal: Foster Engagements and communication on the Push Protocol Discord community and Keep discussions going.

Content Creation:

  • 64 quality posts on 4chan and 14 posts on Reddit, engaging the community in talks about Push Protocol and other crypto topics.
  • Jumped into 47 Discord conversations, sharing insights and encouraging community participation.


This month, we focused on getting more involved in the crypto community. Push Protocol is starting to come up more often in web3 conversations, which is a promising shift. The feedback has been a mix of curiosity and skepticism, exactly what to expect when you’re starting to get noticed. Seems like we’re slowly getting on people’s radar.


We had some minor complaints earlier in the month, but things have leveled out as the market gradually shifts in our favor, bringing a more positive outlook.

Other Developments

  • There were no other major developments in the month of September

Summary/ Ambassadors Performance Tracker for September

Ahisaac - 4 Educative threads with 317 views

Eyedoll - 6 tweets with 216 views and 2 Medium articles

Pablo - Attended ETH SAFARI and shilled PUSH to key industry participants at the event

Marylonia - 6 tweets with 529 views, 1 Medium Post

Saviourjay - 4 promotional tweets with 5,504 impressions

Iamadeshoular - Content creation, discord engagement, Reddit management

Scar-Face - 32 tweets with 5,695 impressions

Imabasi James - 5 tweets with 63 impressions

Joab - Represented Push at ETH SAFARI

Shidi - 1 YouTube video, 1 tweet with 117 views, and a speaker at ETH SAFARI

Demantle - 1 educative video

EloraOreva - 9 tweets with 179 impressions

OgidiCrypt - 1 tweet with 573 views, managed the PushinAfrica account, and spoke at the web3Lagos Conference in Lagos, Nigeria.

Makkk - Creation and Set up of the Zealy account, Quality engagement and awareness creation for PUSH, Curated Report for the Month of August, Kept close tab on progress of the Ambassadors throughout the month.


@ebunayo can you add more details and links to all the things you mention on the September Report?
Is very important for us all the cohorts of ambassadors to publish a very detailed report and prove their impact (online or IRL).

Thanks! I hope to see this report with all this information. :sunglasses:

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After days of deliberation and review of the ambassadors reports by the DAO Council, we have decided to transition toward a restructuring of the ambassador program in the coming months, with an initial proposal to be discussed with the community in the next few days.

This report reflects a lack of progress on the KPIs planned for September and a failure to communicate this transparently to the community to seek potential solutions.

Some performance-related concerns include:

  • There has been no increase in the follower base of the Push Africa account in the last month, which is due to the lack of engaging content for the community. Additionally, we haven’t seen any events from the “Let’s Chat Push” series or campaigns aligned with the protocol and DAO activities.
  • There is no other strong content distribution channel. Two of the Medium links shared in this report are broken. The community deserves unique and exclusive channels to share content created by ambassadors. Moreover, the YouTube channel has not grown as expected this past month.
  • Despite having very active Push Africa ambassadors on Discord, their efforts are not reflected in meaningful topics and responses aimed at increasing and engaging the community. This report was also requested last month.

Unfortunately, this results in a first warning for the entire Africa ambassador hub and a reminder to always maintain transparency in data management, as well as to find direction and motivation through continuous feedback and by adhering to the minimum guidelines for ambassadors.

The changes we will discuss in the coming days are focused on incentivizing only those Africa ambassadors who are committed to our mission. We believe in you and will continue working hard to implement improvements.