Gmgm Push team
In this report, you will find a summary of the goals set and the metrics achieved, as well as the outcomes of the events organized and participated in the month of September by Ambassadors Latam.
Ambassadors | X Account | Forum Account |
Carla | carlaupgrade | carlaupgrade |
René | rene__hdz | Rene |
Mafer | soymaferlopezp | soymaferlopezp |
José | soyjoselamus | Jose |
Yedid | yedidweb3 | yedidweb3 |
Luis | AKAwolfcito | wolfcito |
Goal: Educational & technical content about Push Protocol, showing the benefits of integration in projects.
How to achieve it?
- Every week we share our section “Hoy En Web3” highlighting the most relevant news of the ecosystem. Mentioning projects and inviting our community to participate and share information.
- The Web3Gals community invited us to an X-space to learn about Push Protocol, its tools and innovative governance.
- We were active sharing all the information about the Push Point Rewards Program for the entire LATAM community. Encouraging the use of the Push dApp so that more people can interact and earn points.
- We were part of the weekly Governance calls and invited the Spanish community to join.
X space "Push Protocol: Gobernanza Descentralizada y Comunicaciones en Web3 "
A large part of the LATAM team was present and commented on the project since we are a decentralized communication protocol. The tools we have: Chats, Video calls, Spaces, Push notifications (sending notifications to users subscribed to specific channels). In addition, to tell about everything that is being worked on Push DAO through governance and the different programs that benefit the web community3.
Connection with community: Web3Gals
Next steps
- Resume publishing original and translated content in our social networks, both written and video. Have 2 X Spaces in November.
- Give diffusion to ETH Global.
- Give diffusion to the Diploma of Blockchain and Web3 at UCAB.
Goal: In order to maintain harmony and effectiveness in decision-making that benefits the common good.
How to achieve it?
- Proposal incubation on Discord
- Quick decision-making in the Office Hours meeting (every Wednesday at 8 PM UTC)
- Participation in the Push Governance Forum
- Participation in the Governance Call
- Participation of the entire Latam Ambassadors team in the monthly meeting with the Push DAO team.
- Internal discussion about continuing to activate the 2 Push channels of Push en Español. By majority, it was decided to leave only one channel.
- Internal discussion on the referral link to be used in the publication of content on the Points Program. The majority decided to choose the link of the ambassador who created the content or the link of the subDAO.
- Internal discussion on the tool to be used for the blogs. It was considered to use HackMD for one month and measure the results to see if it is convenient or not. In spite of being rejected the application for the Diploma at UCAB on Blockcahin and Web3, we will participate without the benefits, just to inform about Push Protocol and its tools.
- Internal discussion about creating a previous document/form to have a filter in the interviews. By majority, it did not proceed.
- At the proposal of one of the ambassadors and in support of the whole team, it was decided to have a Christmas dinner in December among all the LATAM hub members.
- For personal reasons the current PM decided to leave the position. Another member of the team takes the place.
Next steps
- Onboarding the new PM of the team.
- Post Q3 report in the governance forum.
- Post monthly reports on the governance forum.
- Continue to actively contribute to Push DAO activities.
- Give our feedback, improvements and contributions with the new task system.
HR & Talent
Goal: Maintaining teamwork and results orientation, ensuring spaces for vulnerability, feedback, and collaboration.
How to achieve it?
- Office hours on Wednesdays
- Keep the conversation async on Discord and Notion
- Documentation of our meetings.
- Team motivation, effectiveness and performance was low for various personal reasons. Decreased compared to previous months.
- Due to changes made in Push Protocol ambassador hubs, our management and activity system had a change. It has been the first month of adaptation to a new platform. In addition, going through different communication challenges. The team has been positive and open to use tools to improve this process of change.
- For personal reasons, our PM had to leave the role. For this reason, the team made the decision that another member will take over the role.
- We celebrated the birthday of one of our ambassadors.
- We had 5 interviews with potential candidates to be part of the LATAM ambassadors hub. Each profile will be voted on to start the onboarding process.
Next steps
- Having clear objectives and strengths of each team member, we will focus on promoting tasks where each one performs activities according to their capabilities.
- The onboarding process will be carried out for the new PM of the team.
- 2 people will be added to the LATAM ambassadors hub.
- Increase the pace of work and the momentum to enhance
Goal : Keep transparency in the SubDAO’s operations.
How to achieve it?
- Effective treasury management.
- Continuous updating of ambassador contribution results
Financial report with the result of rewards per contributor
Marketing & Growth
- Maintenance of Push en Español Twitter account (removing followers and following quality accounts).
- Content creation in line with the social media strategy.
How to achieve it?
- Traffic report social media
- X Spaces, YouTube Lives, and other activities with partners.
- Recurrent account maintenance task, active monitoring of news in the ecosystem.
- Planning of content creation: Weekly content creation strategies with the bounty scheme. Consider the availability of the team.
In October, we don’t have an exact data of the followers, since, X as Metricool share that data with us and for that we need a Premium plan.
- We had our section #TodayOnWeb3 with 5 publications in the month. First - Second - Third - Fourth - Fifth.
- We supported and publicized Push DAO and Push Protocol with Governance Call (1, 2, 3, 4), Demo Thursday (1, 2, 3), Trivia night (1, 2, 3, 4), X space Empowering Africa’s Future With Push & Starknet, Push Points Rewards Program (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Push Staking Contest (1, 2), Push Governance Upgrading Push DAO Governance & Reminder, Special Community Call, X Space How to build a web3 communication dApp with Push Protocol,
- The Web3Gals community invited us to an X space to learn about the Push Protocol, its tools and its innovative governance.
- In October, no videos were posted on this social network.
- Our videos were viewed 48 times, accumulating approximately 1.4 hours of watch time, and we gained 1 new subscribers.
In October, we published 1 article.
- The article published this month was “Un vistazo emocionante al mes de agosto en Push Protocol”
- Our profile reached a total of 30 views and 12 reads.
- This month, we did not publish any post on this platform; pending access to the new account for analytics
- This month, we did not publish any videos on this platform; it has received 1 profile view, 4 likes, 429 publication views.
Next steps
Improve processes related to social media reporting and analytics:
Present Push DAO with other tool options that facilitate the collection of metrics from various social media platforms.
- Continued maintenance of Twitter account, increasing the number of followers by 5%.
- New collaborations with Push Frens through Spaces to be held twice a month.
We will talk about: Push:
- The brand/services/benefits/DAO (50%).
- Our community: Programs/social campaigns/workshops (40%).
- Web3: Playful content (10%).
- Through the new ambassador campaign, we will encourage stakeholders to post written and video content, some images or poaps. Thus achieving a very interactive dynamic.
- Generate original and translated written content about the different Push Protocol programs and tools.
- New collaborations with Push Frens and #PushEnEspañol.
- Continue to foster interaction between #PushEnEspañol and the Latam community.
- Amplify Push Protocol’s work with updates to its tools, campaigns and collaborations.
YouTube and Tiktok:
- We will resume the creation of videos in horizontal and vertical format.
- We will continue to publish articles on key Push topics once a week.
- We will evaluate what type of content we are going to share on this social network that its main information is about web2.
- Create original technical and non-code content about Push protocol tools.
Goal: Collaborate in the growth of Push Protocol as a product.
How to achieve it?
- Report updates and bugs to the Push Protocol development team.
- Looking for new partnerships for business development in the region
Bug tracker data. Two reports are still pending resolution, one from August and the other from September.
Next steps
Keep Mapping potential users and services updated for more possible collaborations.