November Report - Push Ambassadors (PM Zealy)

Monthly Report for Zealy Project Management in Push Protocol

Key Objectives for the Second Month as Project Manager:

  1. Maintain Hub Engagement: Focused efforts on active hubs (India and LATAM) following the pause of the African hub.
  2. Encourage Indian Ambassador Growth: Promoted active participation in DAO events and engagement with community activities.
  3. Task System Improvements: Updated task descriptions for clarity, reviewed tasks across hubs, and planned restructuring for efficiency.
  4. Strategic Feedback Implementation: Collaborated with leaders to refine task structures and gather feedback for improvement.
  5. Performance Tracking: Monitored ambassador activity, task completion rates, and participation metrics across hubs to evaluate program success.

Activities and Achievements:

Indian Ambassador Hub

  • Weekly Calls: Held regular calls to discuss task progress, address doubts, and gather feedback.
  • Participation Encouragement:
    • Motivated ambassadors to apply for the Push Delegate Program.
    • Encouraged active involvement in key DAO events:
      • Governance Calls
      • Demo Thursdays
      • Push Spaces on X
    • Boosted community activity, with ambassadors actively solving doubts on Discord.
  • Improved Task Engagement:
    • Ambassadors showed increased enthusiasm for DAO-related initiatives and contributed significantly to community-building efforts.
    • Average Participation: Approximately 83% of ambassadors (10 out of 12) are now actively participating in DAO events, spaces, and voting. This marks a significant improvement compared to previous months when only 2–3 ambassadors participated regularly, averaging just 20–25%.

LATAM Ambassador Hub

  • Program Updates: Introduced changes to align tasks with current goals and maintain consistent engagement.
  • Task Reviews: Conducted comprehensive task reviews to refine and improve the system for better ambassador alignment.
  • New Initiatives: Explored additional task opportunities, such as creating “Build with Wallet Tracker” tasks, to engage ambassadors with development and content creation activities.

Task System Updates:

  1. Updated Descriptions: Improved task details for clarity and relevance, ensuring better understanding and execution.

  2. Weekly Task Additions and Supervision:

    • Push Spaces
    • Push Workshop
    • Governance Call
    • Demo Thursday
  3. Restructuring Plans:

  • Identified redundant tasks to be removed. Details regarding which tasks have been removed will be shared in the next report (December report).
  • Planned new task categories to target specific ambassador contributions, such as developer and designer-focused tasks.
  • Breakdown of Complex Tasks: Began dividing complex activities (e.g., workshop) into distinct steps:
    • Scripting
    • Recording
    • Editing
    • Publishing This approach allows different ambassadors to contribute to specific parts, enhancing task participation and collaboration.

Strategic Meetings:

  • With Carla:

    • Discussed Push India Growth and the overall Ambassador Program performance, focusing on areas of improvement and upcoming opportunities.
    • Planned task restructuring and the addition of new tasks to align with ambassador skills, program goals, and community needs.
    • Emphasized ensuring the process of task validation on Zealy is being executed effectively, preventing duplication of efforts by ambassadors. For example, avoiding scenarios like multiple ambassadors answering the same questions in the community Discord.
    • Reviewed methods to streamline communication between ambassadors and the core team, ensuring clarity in task assignments and expectations.
    • Explored ideas to enhance ambassador engagement through regular feedback loops, workshops, and incentives for top performers.
    • Discussed potential strategies to expand ambassador outreach and involvement in key DAO events, fostering a stronger connection between ambassadors and the broader Push Protocol community.
  • Feedback Review Sessions:

    • Consolidated insights from ambassadors to adjust scoring mechanisms and improve the experience.
    • Proposed a balanced scoring system to ensure fairness across task categories.

Performance Data Overview

  • Ambassador scores and contributions from India and LATAM hubs will be included, providing key metrics such as:

Latam Ambassadors Contributions:

Username XP Number Of Quests Twitter Username Discord Handle Email
soymaferlopezp 9450 76 Soymaferlopezp soymaferlopezp
Jose_Push 7500 44 soyJoseLamus joselamus
Wolfcito 8799 28 AKAwolfcito akawolfcito
yedidweb3 8125 21 yedidweb3 yedid7

India Ambassadors Contributions:

Username XP Number Of Quests Twitter Username Discord Handle Email
HimanshuKumarSahu 27351 386 HKS_1005 himanshukumasahu
Gautam_Raj 8725 119 noober_boy nooberboy
OisheeChoudhury 25935 362 OisheeC28 oishee_28
Tripti_S 25997 383 Tripti_4 triptissss
FaniSahu 21774 334 fani_sahu fani7515
Dhatri 28101 387 dhatri9092 dhatrisahu.
pratik_14 17442 262 PratikMondal_14 pratikmondal
Ritesh10 5575 75 RiteshK1011
rajdeep_singha 1400 7 singh61402 rajdeep_singha
anoyroychowdhury 1800 5 AnoyRoyc anoyroychowdhury

Additional Highlights:

  • Marketing Report Task Enhancements: Enhance the Zealy report task by incorporating additional KPIs and breaking down the marketing and community engagement metrics in more detail. This will provide a clearer, more granular view of engagement trends and growth insights, ensuring a more comprehensive monthly report.
  • Docs and Guides: Updated the Docs to reflect task changes, ensuring ambassadors can easily navigate new systems.
  • Process Documentation: Began compiling detailed documentation for ambassador tasks and program workflows to improve onboarding and continuity.
    • Currently in the planning phase to enhance the documentation by incorporating ambassador feedback and ensuring it is comprehensive and user-friendly. The focus is to make it valuable for both ambassadors and hub leaders.
    • Next Steps: While progress is ongoing, publishing the finalized documentation may take additional time to ensure quality and alignment with ambassador needs. Updates on the timeline and milestones will be shared in the next report (December report).


November was a month of learning, strategic improvements, and community engagement. Ambassadors actively participated in DAO events, contributed to governance initiatives, and showed increased involvement in solving community queries. Task systems were refined for better engagement, and feedback loops were strengthened.

Next Steps:

  • Expand task opportunities for developers and designers to better align with their skills and contributions. Updates on the new task categories will be included in the next report (December report).
  • Incorporate ambassador hub feedback to enhance overall experiences and refine task structures. Some updates may take additional time to ensure thorough implementation.
  • Continue fostering collaboration and engagement across active hubs, focusing on participation tracking and community-building efforts.
  • Break down complex tasks like workshops and videos into manageable subtasks for better clarity and execution. Progress on these subtasks will be shared in future reports as planning is still underway.
  • Finalize and publish detailed documentation for ambassador tasks and workflows. However, as this requires significant planning and input, it may take additional time to complete.

Solid report @NooberBoy. Excited about the progress of the ambassador hubs and the plans we have in execution this December.

Happy Holidays to all Push ambassadors! :purple_heart:


Appreciate the support @Carlaupgrade! :blush: We’ve planned some exciting changes and will be sharing updates very soon. Stay tuned as we keep pushing forward together!

Happy Holidays to all Push ambassadors! :christmas_tree::rocket: