PGP Proposal: rapidX Protocol + EPNS

hi @rapidX
This proposal almost meets the criteria to go to Polling phase.

:warning: The only thing pending is to define quantifiable goals for Milestone 2. :warning:

Just to be clear - same as it has been stated with other Grants - now we are wanting to attach Milestones and its corresponding installments to quantifiable goals.

As you mentioned in your previous post (aside from the technical implementation and features development) :

  • Milestone 1: looking for a user base in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 users.
  • Milestone 2: ???

Please make one final post with the final proposal details that include Milestone 1 and 2 goals, so we can move it to Polling Phase. (PS. adjust the numbers in the milestones if you need, they will be discussed further if needed).

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