Push Grant Program Application
1 - Name: TheBadge
2 - Email: agustin@thebadge.xyz
3 - About You
We’re 4 core team members and 5 collaborators (4 of us are devs). All of us have 3+ years of experience in the blockchain industry and understand the value that it brings to society. We are all building TheBadge from the ground up with the goal of increasing transparency and trust in the industry through decentralized verification and certification systems.
Agustin Pane is an Information Systems Engineer with multiple years of experience in web3. He worked on many projects like Gnosis Safe, Livepeer, and 0x among others. There he gained the knowledge needed to start TheBadge, and his current role is COO.
Github: github .com/agupane
Nicolas Dominguez is a software engineer. He started to work in IT in 2009 and since then he has been developing software. He has collaborated on many projects like Gnosis Safe, developing the core functionality to integrate third-party apps into the safe; it was later named safe-apps. He also collaborated with Lyra on the first options platform on Optimism, Never Fear Truth, a platform to allow users buyNFTs from artists, PowerTrade, an exchange developing a safety module for its platform, and some others. His main goal is decentralization and that is why he focuses on blockchain technology.
@ niCoo87
Github: github .com/nicosampler
Federico Madoery is an Information System Engineer. He started out as a front-end engineer, including web and mobile development, until becoming a full stack with a strong base on cloud systems. In 2021 he entered the web3 world as a freelancer on web3 projects. Also, he serves as Professor in “Mobile development” and “Design and data structure” at university level.
@ FedeeMadoery
Github: github .com/FedeMadoery
Javier Alba is a Financial Advisor with more than 10 years of experience in the capital markets. He has specialized in global markets analysis, as well as strategic planning and investment portfolio management. He graduated from Universidad Austral, with a Business Administration degree, where he currently serves as Associate Professor in the Finance Department. He is an active member of the CFA Institute, having obtained the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) designation in 2018. Javier brings to the team all his experience and knowledge of finance, international and crypto markets.
@ JaviAlba00
4. Project TL:DR
TheBadge is a decentralized certification platform powered by Ethereum. It provides users the opportunity to tokenize information from the real world in the form of certifications (badges) by giving a peer-to-peer certification mechanism. This means that these badges are verified and validated by the community, which decides what should be accepted and what is not. Those from the community that participates as data curators are economically incentivized.
5. Proposal Category
NFT/ Other (public good).
6. Project Overview
The Problem
The blockchain and cryptocurrency industry provides many advantages to the world, however, there are two major aspects that it currently lacks. These are trust and connection to the off-chain world. Trust was lost due to an increased amount of scams, hacks, and large companies going bankrupt, and It lacks connection to the real world because there is not a truly decentralized system in place to verify data that enters the blockchain.
The Solution
The solution that TheBadge brings to the industry is a decentralized verification and certification platform that allows information from the off-chain world to be certified. Users will be able to create their certification standards and perform the verification process themselves while being financially rewarded for doing it. This will help to reinstate trust and transparency because the users themselves will be doing the verification. Users will be able to certify documents (Diplomas, finished courses, etc), social media accounts, cryptocurrency projects, companies, communities, digital art copyright, RWA ownership, etc.
How does TheBadge work?
There are three types of users in the platform, and 5 steps for a badge (web3 certificate) to be issued.
- Creators
- As a badge creator on TheBadge’s platform, users can design and publish custom badges that other users can apply for to certify real-world information. The creator sets the price for the badge and he will receive a share of the fee when users apply for and receive them. The creator will play the role of a notary in the traditional world. For example, a notary from a particular country knows how to verify necessary documents in a compliance process of that country. By using TheBadge, they could use that knowledge to create badges for those documents on the Blockchain and other users will be able to obtain them by bringing the necessary evidence and paying a fee to the notary.
- Curators
- Curators are members of TheBadge’s decentralized community who verify the authenticity of certifications. They carefully review the evidence provided for each badge and can raise challenges if they detect any irregularities. If the curators successfully expose a fraudulent badge, they will be rewarded for their efforts.
- Providing incentives for curators to review the evidence and raise challenges when necessary carefully, helps to ensure that only deserving candidates receive badges and protects the reputation and integrity of the certifications.
- Badge receiver
- They are users that would like to obtain a specific certificate. They have to complete the evidence required to demonstrate that they are eligible for getting a specific badge and pay a fee. A percentage of this fee will be the reward of the creators for making the certificate available to claim, and another percentage will be the reward of the curators in case the evidence is challenged.
These are the easy to follow five-step process is:
- Evidence submission - The user needs to submit proof for the issuance of the web3 certificate
- Optimistic evaluation period - The community will be checking for the veracity of the proof submitted.
- Challenge the evidence if needed - If a community member believes that fraudulent proof was submitted, they can start a challenge.
- Arbitration - By using a decentralized arbitration system (Kleros.io), the challenge is solved.
- Resolution - If the evidence passed, then the web3 certificate is given to the user. If evidence was rejected, the user does not receive the certificate.
Current status of the project
TheBadge is currently in development and is part of the incubator program of Kleros. We are currently working on our MVP, which should be presented on a demo day that will take place in the first week of April of this year. This MVP will allow creating, curating, and minting badges. As of now, the core logic of the smart contract is almost completed, our current focus is on polishing the UI.
Why Push Protocol?
Push Protocol provides a solution that is extremely needed for The Badge to deliver notifications to all three types of users. Creators need to be notified when their badges are issued by other users, and when they receive their rewards, curators need to be notified when there are badges to be verified, as well as final users, need to know when their badge was challenged or not. Also, they will need to be updated if an arbitration process was started and the steps they have to follow. For example, submitting new evidence. Push protocol enables this by providing anonymous wallet-to-wallet communication.
7. Value Proposition to Push Protocol
TheBadge will be able to provide exposure and bring in new users to Push Protocol.
We will provide exposure by adding Push Protocol to our partner’s list on our main website, collaborating with social media sharing, and news articles.
While TheBadge grows its users, Push Protocol will automatically increase its users as well. We expect our users to increase fairly quickly because for just one web3 certificate to be issued, there are at least three users involved, and if the proof provided is challenged another 7 users will be added to participate as jurors and arbitrate whether the badge should be given or not.
This means that if only in the first year of TheBadge a total of 5000 web3 certificates are issued, we would at least add 15000 potential new users to Push protocol.
8. Funding Requested
30.000 PUSH
9. Milestones
Milestone 1:
Technical research and architectural design for the integration.
UI/UX design, think and design how we are going to integrate the Push functionality within our DApp.
Duration: 1 week
Amount: 10.000 PUSH
Outcome: We can share a document about how we are going to integrate with Push and also the UI design in Figma.
Milestone 2:
Configuration of TheBadge channel to Push testing network
implementing design for TheBadge DApp taking one of the TheBadge roles.
Duration: 2 weeks.
Amount: 10.000 PUSH
Outcome: We can share a public link of the DApp implementing notifications for the role we consider the simpler one to implement.
Milestone 3:
Implement the full notification system for all the roles.
Integrate with the productive environment of Push.
Duration: 3 weeks.
Amount: 10.000 PUSH
We will create TheBadge channel in the production version of Push.
We will share a link to our DApp with the complete notification system for our three roles.
We can present it in a Demo.
10. Wallet Address
11. Relevant Links & Attachments
Website: www.thebadge .xyz
Twitter: twitter .com/thebadgexyz
Medium: medium .com/@TheBadge
Github: github .com/thebadge