What are our goals? (KPIs)

Below, you’ll find the Master KPIs for Push DAO, aligning us with the greater vision of the Push ecosystem and keeping us on track to scale. These KPIs are relevant through May 2025, at which point the current 12-month period ends at KPIs are re-evaluated and re-done, by design.

Where do the below KPIs come from?

They come from the collective efforts of the DAO Council to set Push DAO up for success and greater scale and keep it running as a growth vehicle for the Push ecosystem.

Master KPIs

  1. 10x Push DAO’s social following by the end of the current DAO year(May 2025).
  2. Increase Push DAO’s Mirror Subscribers to 100 or more.
  3. Increase the base of regular contributors to 50 or more by the end of the current DAO year(May 2025).
  4. 5x forum participation by the end of the current DAO year(May 2025).
  5. Achieve 20 or more integrations leads for the Push ecosystem by the end of the current DAO year(May 2025).
  6. Pen 20 or more proposals by the end of the current DAO year(May 2025).
  7. Hold 20 or more votes by the end of the current DAO year(May 2025).
  8. Achieve co-governance partnerships with 5 or more DAOs.
  9. Have 5 or more speaking engagements where the DAO is represented.
  10. Onboard 100 or more developers to Push, through all of the DAO’s efforts including the ambassador hubs.
  11. Increase number of quality grants by 25% or more. Here, quality is determined by the Grants subDAO and will become clear upon and after its launch on June 3rd.
  12. Achieve 20 or more non-DAO-to-DAO partnerships for Push DAO and the greater Push ecosystem. This means non-governance, non-DAO related research, something different.
  13. Garner 5 or more outside grants for Push DAO.
  14. Achieve positive revenue streams for Push DAO.
  15. Establish Push DAO as a tier-one DAO and an authority in the space in more ways than one.

All are equally important. All will have minor KPIs that lead to the success of the above, master KPIs. Everyone matters in this effort as we scale!