[PROPOSAL] Event Guidelines (Finalized, Scheduled for Vote, DISCUSSION CLOSED)

Set a baseline for Event Participation

Author: @EC3

Reviewers: @SixtyKeys @Rene @Carlaupgrade @christiandike (requested)


This proposal seeks to establish foundational guidelines for what sort of events, of every level, Push DAO pursues for attendance and all other purposes.

Summary of Need:

As Push DAO and the greater Push ecosystem continue to scale with many exciting updates on the horizon this year, it has never been more important to set a framework for evaluating events to participate in. Whether it’s a meetup, a hackathon, a full-scale conference, or something else entirely, we need to be aligned on what opportunities Push, as a full-brand, has deep strategic fit with and which we need to pass on at the time. This is a result of a few weeks of council discussions on the subject.


With the passing of this vote, these become the formal guidelines for all event opportunities for Push DAO. The greater Push brand, including Push DAO is a tier-one industry brand based on longevity, tech, and scale achieved, amongst other factors.

Guidelines to be set:

  1. Devcon and Consensus and ETH-centered, tier-one events, including MCON as well(Metacartel’s yearly builder conference) will be prioritized above all others.
    What constitutes a tier-one ETH-centered event will be decided by 4/5 or 5/5 of the DAO Council. 4/5 is the minimum for that decision.

  2. Events will be prioritized when there is hard proof that the council member in question was asked to speak.

  3. Sponsorships of over $3000 will not be done except in extraordinary circumstances where every council member agrees that Push DAO should do so. This only applies where the event in question has a provably large potential impact on future DAO contributors, future grantees, and future developers on the Push tech stack. If it has a newsletter, podcast, or other media channel directly attached to it with a provable reader base of 5000 or more, this is also an extraordinary circumstance. Generally, $2000 or less will be more common.

  4. Push DAO will not pay to speak. This is already true. This vote formalizes the fact. That won’t be flexible.

  5. A rubric for evaluating events will be established by the council which provides a formal framework for evaluating event participation based on the DAO’s and the greater Push ecosystem’s master KPIs. This vote indicates that rubric will be followed as created for 12 months.

  6. Localized events with provable attendance of less than 5000 are possible to support but not for sponsorships of $2000 or more for the next 12 months.

  7. These changes are effective, once the vote on this proposal goes through, for 12 months before review can and will occur.

  8. Where possible, DAO Council members will seek to attend without sponsoring, following partnership, grantee, and contributor related KPIs when doing so. This means council members have to share a 1-pager, approved by the council to attend events that are not Devcon or Consensus or MCON, as an added measure.

  9. At least one conference in the LATAM and African global areas will be prioritized yearly due to ambassador hubs.

  10. Hackathons will be rigorously evaluated. Many over promise on what their true impact for sponsors will be. This is natural because our industry is so early-stage. We are a hacker-focused culture and will continue to attend and help hackathons. We’ll just be stricter in our evaluation, which benefits all involved in this community.

  11. We won’t guarantee reimbursement if the council member is not speaking. Any help given in these cases will be simply a gesture of goodwill by the council to the member involved.

The above are what we see as the most needed guidelines. Others may be added via consensus.

Why do we even need guidelines for events?

If we don’t have guidelines for events, formalized by Push DAO’s governance, then we may find our treasury to be at an unsustainable level of burn. Additionally, without formal guidelines, it’s hard to meet needed KPIs for scale. Finally, Push is a tier-one brand and network and needs to protect and nurture its growth, more so, as it continues to reach further audiences.

Keep in mind that these guidelines in no way prevent anyone from attending events. They just set the framework for events which the DAO directly supports, financially and otherwise, its council members and other members, attending.

All community members can and should always request support via the Push Grants process. That will go under education or misc., as a purpose and “event support” will be specified.

As noted in the votes that passed earlier this year, council members are directly empowered to speak and run side events for Push DAO via the governance process.


This will be a binary vote following the options below. As always, a temperature check will occur beforehand.




Thank you for these guidelines @EC3; I am fully supportive of this proposal as it will allow the DAO to scale sustainably while ensuring our presence at important events and conferences.


to add flavour to the above, this is a good precedent because these are ‘tier 1’ events that are the biggest and offer the most visibility, networking, BD/partnership opportunities for any web3 project at all. so it’s important to prioritize these events.

hackathons have increasingly become a low-hanging fruit for event organizers seeking easy sponsorship from projects. most hackathons end up with no lasting/sustained impact. therefore, rigorous evaluation is good to identify and only sponsor hackathons that offer the most measurable impact for Push.


This proposal’s discussion period will end on Friday August 23rd.

  • FOR
0 voters
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This poll, for a temperature check is active until Friday August 30th at 5pm EST.

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This proposal will be closed Monday. The discussion period has ended as above, but other proposals and initiatives were prioritized ahead of it. It will go to a vote after the delegate vote, which currently means, the week after next week.


this could help on unfolding folded hand especially towards contribution according to skill set and more so enable onboard of more numbers including builders

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Thanks for the guidelines

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