PUSH Weekly Governance Call Recap Thread

Governance Call - 12th June 2024

The weekly Governance Call summary has now landed on the forum. This is an event to update the community on everything we are building. We invite you to give us feedback in this same thread.

DAO Council Updates :purple_heart:
The Business Development and Grants Programs are officially live on the Push DAO Charmverse. Check out our announcement posts on Mirror. You can mint these posts as NTFs.

We invite all Push DAO and ambassadors to be part of these programs, and to formally introduce themselves in our forum.

Our Push DAO Growth Lead was speaking at Lagos Blockchain. He was speaking about the future of cross chain communications.

The Push DAO blog is on fire. Since we launched last week, we already have 6 different posts, including the first edition of our newsletter, we invite you to subscribe.

The Push DAO calendar is ready, you can use it to keep up with all DAO events that are happening throughout the week. It’s on Google Calendar, so you can easily add it to stay up to date.

Push DAO Council KPIs for June 2024 :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  • Secure 3 Partnerships
  • Publish 2 0p/Eds
  • Publish 3 Blog Posts
  • Publish 2nd Issue of the DAO Newsletter
  • Source 1 Lead who may integrate with Push Protocol
  • Create 5 new discussions/topics on the Push Governance Forum
  • Hold 2 more snapshot votes (½)
  • Increase voter participation from an average of 7 to 8
  • Source 3 grantees for the Push Grants Program
  • Grow Social following on Twitter by 10% (704 End of May)

Push Grants Program + BD subDAO :chains:
The Push Grants Program and the BD subDAO are both live and accepting applicants. Everyone in the Push community, and outside the Push community is welcome to appy.

If you have any questions on any of the programs, or are feeling unsure, feel free to reach out to the council for further guidance. We will also be holding calls each week for both SubDAOs to discuss operations and field any questions from contributors.

The Grants program currently covers social dApps, gaming dapps, mobile dapps, community initiatives, DAOs, DeFi protocols, education and publications/news. We particularly prioritize compelling social dapps, gaming dapps, mobile dapps, and female and diverse founders.

Forum Outlook :mailbox_with_no_mail:
[Discussion] Push DAO Onboarding Program
This proposal seeks to establish an onboarding program for new members of Push DAO with the aim of turning them into active contributors as quickly as possible.

Pre-PIP #3: Presence
Implement a Presence feature natively in Push Chat to provide users real-time status updates such as online presence, typing indicators, and user activities within the chat.

Push University Initiative
Traditional university courses lag behind Web3 industry trends. Push University bridges this gap by offering relevant education and hands-on experience through work in Push DAO, mentorship from DAO Council members, and practical industry seminars.

Push Channel of the Week :trophy:
Our Channel of the Week is :drum: Bancor :partying_face:

Bancor is an ecosystem of open-source DeFi protocols that foster onchain trading and liquidity, its innovative technology allows for unprecedented control, flexibility, and automation onchain.

By innovating the technology for DeFi primitives such as Bonding Curves, Constant Product AMMs, and more, Bancor has been at the forefront of DeFi innovation.

The Bancor channel provides instant notifications on any new governance proposals raised by the Bancor decentralized community.

Community Highlights :star:
Our Push DAO Growth Lead appeared and spoke at the Lagos Blockchain Week. He was speaking about Driving interoperability through cross-chain communications on Push Protocol.

The founder of Push Protocol, Harsh appeared on a podcast with web3 thought and action. He spoke about how Push Protocol is shaping web3’s future. Listen now on Spotify.

Push DAO Lead, lan, appeared on a panel about Decentralized Social Media at Consensus 2024. The recording of this panel is now available for your viewing pleasure.

Push LATAM ambassador, Mafer Lopez made a formal introduction to the Governance Forum this week.

We look forward to seeing you at our next Push DAO meetings. :purple_heart::rocket: