[Proposal] Diploma in Web3 and Blockchain programming

Author: @soymaferlopezp

Reviewers: LATAM Push Protocol Ambassadors


Enhance learning in the development of potential safe, innovative, and efficient decentralized communication solutions for students of the Web3 and Blockchain Diploma using Push Protocol.


This proposal seeks to teach and implement technical training in Push Protocol within the first cohort of the Web3 and Blockchain diploma at Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB). We will train students in developing safe and efficient decentralized communication solutions, fostering innovation through the tools that Push Protocol offers. Through specialized modules, practical exercises, and real projects, participants will be able to apply what they have learned, strengthen their technical skills, and contribute to the growth of the Push ecosystem in LATAM through Push DAO and Push Builders.


Currently, there is no specific training on Push Protocol in the LATAM region that addresses the needs and solutions for decentralized communication in the Web3 and blockchain industry. This gap limits the opportunities for students to effectively contribute to this rapidly growing ecosystem.

Therefore, this diploma is proposed as a solution to educate future builders who can lead and innovate using and implementing Push services, offering several benefits:

  • Teaching students to implement Push Protocol communication tools: In the diploma, Push Protocol will be a subject, teaching students to implement Push communication tools, fostering specific skills and preparing participants to effectively apply and implement these skills.
  • Generating new use cases and applications: Students will demonstrate the skills learned through a final project that implements Push Protocol tools, showcasing practical cases and real applications.
  • Significant brand recognition for Push Protocol: Participation at UCAB, a well-recognized educational institution in Venezuela, will strengthen Push Protocol’s image and credibility within the Web3 ecosystem in LATAM. By supporting the training of Web3 professionals, Push will contribute to the overall growth and development of the community.
  • Enhancing the impact that LATAM Push ambassadors can generate for Push Protocol: The LATAM ambassadors’ team, made up of developers and professionals from various disciplines, will lead and represent Push Protocol in the diploma. They will be responsible for preparing classes, providing mentorships, and developing educational material, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience for the students.
  • Training a new generation of future Push Builders: This program will facilitate the creation of a network of potential collaborators interested in creating and implementing Push services. It will also encourage them to become active members in Push DAO.
  • Amplifying Push Protocol’s social media presence: Generating interactive and educational content during the diploma to increase interest and engagement on social media platforms, extending Push Protocol’s reach and visibility. Additionally, it will provide an opportunity to present the protocol to a broad audience in the Latam region, increasing the understanding and knowledge of Push technology.

This proposal not only addresses a crucial educational need but also establishes a pathway for professional development and technological innovation in LATAM.



The comprehensive educational program will focus on imparting knowledge and skills about Push Protocol. This program’s implementation will include theoretical-practical classes, practical examples, and real projects, allowing students to directly apply what they’ve learned in real scenarios, thereby fostering a deep understanding and effective application of Push services.

The curriculum includes: Intro to Push Protocol, Push Notifications, Push Chat, Push Grant Program.


This Web3 and Blockchain diploma represents a transformative opportunity for the students and developers involved. This initiative of integrating theoretical education with practical applications of Push Protocol is intended to facilitate innovation and strengthen competencies in decentralized communications.

Reasons to participate in the diploma include:

  • Developing expertise in Push Protocol technology: Train participants with an in-depth understanding of the architecture, functionalities, and application of Push Protocol in Web3 communication solutions.
  • Encouraging practical skills for building decentralized communication solutions: Teach participants to design, develop, and implement decentralized communication applications using Push Protocol.
  • Promoting innovation in Web3 communication: Encourage participants to explore innovative uses and applications of Push Protocol in the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Building a community of Push Protocol developers and enthusiasts: Facilitate networking and collaboration among participants to strengthen the Push Protocol community in LATAM.


  • Development of Push projects: Teaching students how to implement Push tools.
  • Curriculum design: Development of the diploma content including theoretical and practical modules on Push Protocol.
  • Creation of onboarding material about Push Protocol in Spanish: To provide students with guided induction to ease understanding of the protocol and start developing with Push.
  • Educational materials: Creation of didactic materials such as presentations, study guides, code examples, and additional resources. Also, define the scope of the tools to be taught and the difficulty at each phase.
  • Teaching Push Protocol subject in the blockchain diploma: Conducting practical classes on Push Protocol with a hands-on learning methodology, implementing Push tools in projects created by Push ambassadors in LATAM.
  • Class modality: Classes will be hybrid, both in-person and virtual, to be accessible to any student in the region. Additionally, virtual classes will be delivered via the UCAB platform.
  • Mentorships and support: Mentorship sessions and technical support to resolve doubts and guide students in their projects.
  • Additional classes: To expand on concepts and develop additional modules from the projects seen in class.
  • Content creation about Push Protocol during the diploma: From the registration phase (in which we will raffle some scholarships for developers), the classes we teach, and the projects created with Push Protocol at the end of the diploma.
  • Promotion and dissemination: Marketing and communication campaign on social media, newsletters, and informational events.
  • Project evaluation: Evaluation of the students’ final projects, where they implement Push Protocol in practical solutions.
  • Feedback and improvement: Collection of feedback from participants to improve future editions of the diploma.
  • Certification: Issuance of certificates to students who successfully complete the diploma.


  • Development of Push projects and creation of onboarding material: 4 weeks.
  • Teaching the Push Protocol subject, with two classes per week: 2 weeks.
  • Additional classes and mentorship sessions: 5 weeks
  • Content creation about Push Protocol during the diploma: 12 weeks


  • Understanding and application of Push Protocol: Evaluation of participants’ ability to accurately explain Push Protocol concepts and principles, manage communication channels, and integrate notifications into their decentralized applications (dApps).
  • Development and implementation: Percentage of participants who successfully create, design, and implement functional communication solutions based on Push Protocol, assessed through practical projects.
  • Innovation and application proposals: Measurement of participants’ ability to identify and propose new applications of Push Protocol in Web3, including the development of prototypes or MVPs that demonstrate creative solutions to real-world problems.
  • Participation and Collaboration: Record of active participation by students in discussions, forums, and collaborative projects within the Push Protocol community, as well as their contribution to the growth and expansion of the ecosystem in LATAM.


  • Developers: 2
  • Content: 4


To participate and sponsor the Web3 and Blockchain diploma at UCAB, a contribution of $4000 USD is required, which includes:

  • 5 scholarships for developers.
  • Teaching Push Protocol subject, mentorships, and additional classes.
  • Logo and mention in the diploma.
  • Presence in advertising on social media and on the official diploma website.

In addition to the sponsorship package, the LATAM Push Protocol Ambassadors will implement a rewards system, as each student must present a final project to complete their training. We will offer incentives to those who effectively use our tools in their projects, all according to our meticulous evaluations.



Participation of LATAM Push Protocol Ambassadors in the Web3 and Blockchain diploma.


Non-participation of Push Protocol LATAM ambassadors in the Web3 and Blockchain diploma course


This is an excellent proposal.

Very well thought out, even at this early stage.

Key question here is: what is the timeline?

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This is a really cool proposal to promote education and activate the ecosystem builders. It is very clear, and I hope to contribute, especially from the technical side.


Thanks for commenting and reading the proposal @EC3
The diploma starts at the end of July - beginning of August and will last 3 months.

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Thank you for your comment @wolfcito
Indeed, the proposal aims to teach and train future Push builders and contributors in the Push ecosystem.
LFG & Keep Pushing :bell: :purple_heart:


Like I was saying on the ambassador call today, wonderful. What are the dates for this? Are dates set if this works/if we do the program?



The educational model they propose is very interesting. Hopefully, it can be replicated in various universities across LATAM to continue promoting the growth and learning of blockchain among future developers.


This proposal is fantastic, offering numerous benefits for Push Protocol and the Push DAO.

The Latam ambassador team has achieved excellent results in previous events and programs, and I know they will do a great job in this diploma program.


Hi @EC3

Thanks for your support. I tell you about the dates, the start of the diploma course is at the end of July - beginning of August.

First, the introduction to web3 and blockchain, bitcoin and Ethereum will be given.
When we confirm our participation, they will give us a fixed date to teach the Push Protocol subject.
This would be in August approximately.


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Thanks for your comment. :purple_heart:
Hopefully this initiative will be the first of many in LATAM. Also, together with Push University’s proposal to create this momentum and be able to bring to more people the solutions and tools that Push offers will be incredible.

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Thanks for commenting @Jose

Hopefully this is just the beginning of forming more Push Builders in the LATAM region, the ambassadors are doing great teamwork and building very good Builders.

Keep Pushing :bell: :purple_heart:


As member of Latam ambassadors, I would like to request the DAO Council to open the temperature check for this proposal. Understanding that if the community is in favor, the team that will lead this proposal can proceed to request a Grant for sponsoring the event and another one for executing the proposal.

Open to any feedback or recommendations.


Thank you for the excellent proposal @soymaferlopezp, I have added the temp check for this proposal below. However, it has been decided that the funding for this proposal be sourced from the Push Grant Program, the temperature check will be used to ensure the DAO is aligned with this proposal before officially applying.

Diploma in Web3 and Blockchain programming
  • FOR: Participation of LATAM Push Protocol Ambassadors in the Web3 and Blockchain Diploma
  • AGAINST: Non-participation of Push Protocol LATAM ambassadors in the Web3 and Blockchain diploma course
0 voters

Hello. I really like this proposal, I think it is very important to approach and include young people in this ecosystem, they will bring and develop fresh ideas with a different perspective and this will be useful for many.


¡This is a great proposal!

It is a unique opportunity that will allow more people in LATAM to learn about the development opportunities that exist in Push Protocol, a well as bring knowledge in a practical way and with the help of a Universsity of great status at the level of education and with the best -trained people, as are Push Protocol Ambasadors.


During the grants review process, it will have to be further stipulated how this initiative relates to ROI for the Push Ecosystem. More specifically, what do we expect to gain from this involvement in terms of, for example: further developers, startup teams/grantees, contributors, or similar?

This means while the grant is submitted, this will have to be clearer. Thanks!


Hi Zula
Welcome to the Push forum and comment on the proposal.
Indeed, being able to have the opportunity to teach young people and more people who do not know the ecosystem is a great contribution; that they can learn these tools and benefits of web3 is as you say, very useful.

Hey Say, good to see you back here in the Push forum.

Thanks for commenting and adding to the proposal. Indeed, we want more people to know and implement the tools that Push offers. Also, being part of a University where this kind of technology is constantly promoted is a great pro.

Hi @EC3
Thanks for pointing out to give more details of the ROI, I will keep that in mind to be more specific.